chembl / curation-interface

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Add a large 'Check If Exist' button for new compounds #107

Open ljbellis opened 9 years ago

ljbellis commented 9 years ago

On the load compounds page, when you draw a new compound, you can then click on Save to Chembl and it will check if it's in the DB already.

There is a magnifying glass, a tiny icon, underneath the window to check to see if the compound is already in the DB.

However, the Save button is bigger and it's more obvious to a user to press this rather than check to see if it already exists.

I would suggest changing this button to a dual action one which: 1) Checks to see if it exists and if so, bring up the Curate window else 2) Save it to the DB as normal

Or, if this is too much, then change it to just a Check button and if it doesn't exist, THEN have the chance to save it....?

mnowotka commented 8 years ago

OK, so I left the 'Save all to ChEMBL' button as it is, without a change or adding any new button. But if you click on it, you will get a clear message saying that the compound already exists (or not). If it exists you can click 'Edit' to open a page when you can see (and edit) all the information related to this compound.

ljbellis commented 8 years ago

That is good for me, however, if we're thinking about other people, it may be that they don't want to save the compound, they just want to search to see if it exists. Can we not have side-by-side buttons? One that says SEARCH and one that says SAVE?