chemerisuk / cordova-plugin-firebase-analytics

Cordova plugin for Firebase Analytics
MIT License
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Request for Platform-Specific Plugin Installation or Initialization #221

Open pierpaolovannidocplanner opened 1 month ago

pierpaolovannidocplanner commented 1 month ago


I'm currently working on a Cordova project that targets both Android and iOS platforms. I've integrated the cordova-firebase-plugin-analytics to utilize Firebase Analytics for my application. However, due to certain project constraints, I'm looking to enable Firebase Analytics exclusively for the Android platform and not for iOS. I do not have the GoogleService-Info.plist and due to some project limitations I am unable to recover this file

Once installed the plugin and built my iOS application without the GoogleService-Info.plist file, the build fails, and I encounter the following error in Xcode:

Thread 1: "`[FIRApp configure];` (`FirebaseApp.configure()` in Swift) could not find a valid GoogleService-Info.plist in your project. Please download one from"

So Firebase is expecting the configuration file even before the app starts, preventing the app from launching.

Is there a way to install the plugin only on Android or make sure that on the iOS the initialization of Firebase is somehow skipped?

On the documentation i can read those lines: Put google-services.json and/or GoogleService-Info.plist into the root directory of your Cordova project The and/or make me think i don't need to have a GoogleService-info.plist file into the ios project.

chemerisuk commented 1 week ago

Create a fork of this repo where remove ios tag from plugin.xml. Use this fork in your project instead