cheminfo / isotherm-analysis

JS tools to convert isotherms to jcamp and to analyze them
MIT License
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implement dvs vacuum parser #11

Open kjappelbaum opened 4 years ago

kjappelbaum commented 4 years ago

kjappelbaum commented 4 years ago

encoding of the files is unclear to me

kjappelbaum commented 4 years ago

chardet also couldn't find it, also uchardet couldn't find it. @lpatiny do you have an idea how we could figure this out?

kjappelbaum commented 4 years ago

according to it seems that users can probably also export the excel, now asked the student if they can export the excel and for an example

kjappelbaum commented 4 years ago

got the excel

kjappelbaum commented 4 years ago

actually they are more tricky as they are coadsorption

kjappelbaum commented 4 years ago

actually this instrument allows also for dynamic testing

The bigger issue though is that we do not know which gas is used and only have the mass

kjappelbaum commented 4 years ago

john gave me the following snippet which he uses to analyze the data

def pure_data(csvfile, Mw, adsorbent, gas, temp):
    csv_name = adsorbent + gas + '_' + str(temp) +'.csv'
    if os.path.isfile(csv_name):
        return pd.read_csv(csv_name)

        df_initial = pd.read_csv(csvfile, encoding='1250')
        sat_pressure = float(df_initial['Unnamed: 1'][14]) #in torr
        data_points = float(df_initial['Unnamed: 1'][19])
        header = float(df_initial['Unnamed: 1'][20]) - 2
        data_start = float(df_initial['Unnamed: 1'][20])
        isotherm_start = float(df_initial['Unnamed: 1'][22])
        initial_mass = float(df_initial['Unnamed: 1'][27]) #mg
        start = isotherm_start - data_start

        df_all = pd.read_csv(csvfile, encoding='1250', header=int(header))
        df_all.columns = df_all.columns.str.replace("�C", "\u00B0C")

        df_isotherm = df_all[int(start):]
        df_isotherm.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)

        def loading(mass, initial, M_weight):
            change = mass - initial
            mmol = change/(M_weight*1000)
            loading = mmol/(initial/1000)
            return loading

        def torr_to_bar(pressure_in_torr):
            return pressure_in_torr*0.00133322

        df_isotherm['Loading [mmol/g]'] = loading(df_isotherm['Mass [mg]'], initial_mass, Mw)
        df_isotherm['Pressure [bar]'] = torr_to_bar(df_isotherm['Actual Pressure [Torr]'])
        df_length = len(df_isotherm['Target Relative Pressure [%]'])-1

        for i in range(df_length):
            if df_isotherm['Target Relative Pressure [%]'][i] == df_isotherm['Target Relative Pressure [%]'][i+1]:
                df_isotherm.drop(i, inplace=True)
            percent_complete = (100*i)/df_length
            if percent_complete % 10 < 0.001:
                print(str(percent_complete) + '%' + ' complete for ' + csvfile)
        df_isotherm.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)

        df_length = len(df_isotherm['Target Relative Pressure [%]'])

        modelist = []
        for i in range(df_length):
            if i == 0:
                if df_isotherm['Target Relative Pressure [%]'][i - 1] < df_isotherm['Target Relative Pressure [%]'][i]:

        df_final = pd.DataFrame()
        df_final['Pressure [bar]'] = df_isotherm['Pressure [bar]']
        df_final['Relative Pressure [%]'] = df_isotherm['Actual Relative Pressure [%]']
        df_final['Loading [mmol/g]'] = df_isotherm['Loading [mmol/g]']
        df_final['Temperature \u00B0C'] = df_isotherm['Actual Preheater Temperature [\u00B0C]'].mean()
        df_final['Gas'] = gas
        df_final['Adsorbent'] = adsorbent
        df_final['Mode'] = modelist
        df_final.to_csv(csv_name, index=False)

        return df_final

def coads_data(csvfile, Mw_gas, Mw_solvent, adsorbent, gas, solvent, temp, RH):
    csv_name = adsorbent + gas + solvent + 'coadsorption_' + RH + str(temp) +'.csv'
    if os.path.isfile(csv_name):
        return pd.read_csv(csv_name)

        df_initial = pd.read_csv(csvfile, encoding='1250')
        sat_pressure = float(df_initial['Unnamed: 1'][14]) #in torr
        data_points = float(df_initial['Unnamed: 1'][19])
        header = float(df_initial['Unnamed: 1'][20]) - 2
        data_start = float(df_initial['Unnamed: 1'][20])
        isotherm_start = float(df_initial['Unnamed: 1'][22])
        initial_mass = float(df_initial['Unnamed: 1'][27]) #mg
        start = isotherm_start - data_start

        df_all = pd.read_csv(csvfile, encoding='1250', header=int(header))
        df_all.columns = df_all.columns.str.replace("�C", "\u00B0C")

        df_isotherm = df_all[int(start):]
        df_isotherm.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)

        def loading(mass, initial, M_weight, initial_mass):
            change = mass - initial
            mmol = change/(M_weight*1000)
            loading = mmol/(initial_mass/1000)
            return loading

        def torr_to_bar(pressure_in_torr):
            return pressure_in_torr*0.00133322

        df_length = len(df_isotherm['Target Relative Pressure [%]']) -1

        for i in range(df_length):
            if df_isotherm['Target Relative Pressure [%]'][i] == df_isotherm['Target Relative Pressure [%]'][i+1]:
                df_isotherm.drop(i, inplace=True)
            percent_complete = (100*i)/df_length
            if percent_complete % 10 < 0.001:
                print(str(percent_complete) + '%' + ' complete for ' + csvfile)
        df_isotherm.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
        df_isotherm['Loading [mmol/g]'] = 0
        new_header = solvent + ' Loading [mmol/g]'
        df_isotherm[new_header] = loading(df_isotherm['Mass [mg]'][0], initial_mass, Mw_solvent, initial_mass)
        df_isotherm['Loading [mmol/g]'][1:] = loading(df_isotherm['Mass [mg]'][1:], df_isotherm['Mass [mg]'][0], Mw_gas, initial_mass)

        df_isotherm['Pressure [bar]'] = torr_to_bar(df_isotherm['Actual Pressure [Torr]'])
        df_length = len(df_isotherm['Target Relative Pressure [%]'])

        modelist = []
        for i in range(df_length):
            if i == 0:
                if df_isotherm['Target Relative Pressure [%]'][i - 1] < df_isotherm['Target Relative Pressure [%]'][i]:

        df_final = pd.DataFrame()
        df_final['Pressure [bar]'] = df_isotherm['Pressure [bar]'] - df_isotherm['Pressure [bar]'][0]
        df_final['Loading [mmol/g]'] = df_isotherm['Loading [mmol/g]']
        df_final['Temperature \u00B0C'] = df_isotherm['Actual Preheater Temperature [\u00B0C]'].mean()
        df_final[new_header] = df_isotherm[new_header]
        df_final['Gas'] = gas
        df_final['Adsorbent'] = adsorbent
        df_final['Mode'] = modelist
        df_final.to_csv(csv_name, index=False)

        return df_final