The upload of the same datafile with different extension does not work. The same Data file was used for individual upload. Once named as with the file extension XXX.jdx and once named as XXX.jcamp. After the upload the XXX.jdx will be recognized and the XXX.jcamp is not recognized.
To Reproduce
1. Click upload
2. Enter project name and project description
3. Upload the file XXX.jcamp as Study
4. The file is not recoginzed as Study and cant be used in the next step
-----for confirmation-----
1. Rename XXX.jcamp to XXX.jdx
2. Click upload
3. Enter project name and project description
4. Upload the XXX.jdx as Study
5. The renamed file is now visable/recognized as Study and can be used in the next step
The XXX.jcamp file should also be usable. The file extentsion should not hinder the Software to recognize the file as suitable.
The upload of the same datafile with different extension does not work. The same Data file was used for individual upload. Once named as with the file extension XXX.jdx and once named as XXX.jcamp. After the upload the XXX.jdx will be recognized and the XXX.jcamp is not recognized.
To Reproduce
-----for confirmation-----
The XXX.jcamp file should also be usable. The file extentsion should not hinder the Software to recognize the file as suitable.
Additional Context Used Dataset:
Chemotion entry of a usable data for reproduction