cheminfo / pm2-bridge

Easily exchange messages between pm2 processes
MIT License
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Doesn't work #1

Closed MCSH closed 7 years ago

MCSH commented 7 years ago


the example that you have provided doesn't work at all in the latest environment, any clue what might be wrong?

thanks in advance.

stropitek commented 7 years ago

Hi My guess would be that it doesn't work with pm2 v2, only pm2 v1. Let me know if you are able to make the test work in your environment (in mine it does).

npm i
npm t

I will have a look to see if I can make pm2 v2 work.

stropitek commented 7 years ago

I'm still able to run the tests successfully with pm2 v2.

MCSH commented 7 years ago

None of the tests failed.

Still, I'm unable to run the examples provided in the

steps to reproduce:

npm init npm install pm2-bridge --save


const pm2Bridge = require('pm2-bridge');

    to: 'receiver', // send something to the process with the pm2 name 'receiver'
    data: {message: 'ping'} // Send some data along
}).then(function(data) {
    // Do something with the response
    console.log(data.message); // pong
}, function(err) {
    // Something went wrong :(


const pm2Bridge = require('pm2-bridge');

pm2Bridge.onMessage(function(data) {
    // Do something with the data
    // ...

    console.log(data.from); // logs sender's pm2 name
    console.log(; // ping
    // Reply when your done
    this.reply({message: 'pong'});

pm2 kill # Just in case pm2 start sender.js receiver.js

I'm getting a timeout:

PM2        | Starting execution sequence in -fork mode- for app name:sender id:0
PM2        | App name:sender id:0 online
PM2        | Starting execution sequence in -fork mode- for app name:receiver id:1
PM2        | App name:receiver id:1 online
0|sender   | Error: timeout exceeded
0|sender   |     at Timeout._onTimeout (/home/sajjad/tmp/pm2test/node_modules/pm2-br
0|sender   |     at ontimeout (timers.js:386:14)
0|sender   |     at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:250:5)
0|sender   |     at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:214:5)
stropitek commented 7 years ago

Your messages are not handled because you did not launch the process that handles all the messages. There is no convenient way yet to launch this process. You need to clone the pm2-bridge repository, do npm install and launch the process with npm start. Let me know if that works.

I will look into making this package available as a pm2 module so that it's much more convenient to launch and update.

MCSH commented 7 years ago

I see. Thanks for letting me know.

It'd be great if you could make it into a pm2 module, much easier to work.

I'll close this issue and look for updates.

stropitek commented 7 years ago

I've release a new version and updated the documentation.