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Crystal Structure Search
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unexpected coalescence of structure templates #22

Open nbehrnd opened 3 years ago

nbehrnd commented 3 years ago

The sketcher on offers templates to accelerate drawing the structure to query. In contrast to other sketchers, however, the current implementation tends to coalesce these unexpectedly early.

For example, aiming to extend a methyl-substituted cyclohexane by a second cyclohexane at the tip of the methyl group yields decalin instead. So far, the only approach I identified to prevent this to happen was 1) to sketch to separate cyclohexane rings, and then 2) to drag an extended single bond between the two:


Apparently, cyclohexane is not the only template with this property. With benzene, for example, the sketcher suggests a napthalene-like entity. The search in the database possibly does not account for the bond order between the atoms, yet may yield a pentavalent carbon atom. Again, this may be prevented by drawing the cycles separately, and to join them by a dragging a single bond:


Joining rings not over tips, but along an edge in common, however works along the expected way for e.g., both cyclohexane (to yield decalin), or benzene (to yield a naphthalene with the usual bond orders).

vreshch commented 3 years ago

Thanks, @nbehrnd for feedback. That's not a bug, rather feature request. Let me check with other sketchers.
By the way the issue related to the sketchers should be reported here:

nbehrnd commented 3 years ago

Maybe one of the internal magnets is too strong, because so far, I did not observe this with the version of Mr Ertl's sketcher used on COD.[1] The JavaScript version of Marvin, apparently, does not, either.[2] ChemDoodle's Webcomponents again seems to use attenuated magnets and keeps a ring on the tip, too.[3] While I'm not able to identify what and how to adjust something within you implementation, changing this (for me) unexpected property is not mission critical.

[1] [2] [3]