chen-gloria / leftover-to-recipe

🦄 Build Together AI Hackathon 2024 Canberra Winning team 🏆 - 🌎 Make the world better by turning your leftover ingredients into delectable meals, minimising food waste, and simplifying meal decisions!
MIT License
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mobile device default camera #31

Open YidingQiu opened 4 weeks ago

YidingQiu commented 4 weeks ago

Thank you, Gloria! The deployment runs fluently. Wonderful!! One issue is that it will call the front camera by default when it runs on my phone's browsers. Using a front camera may be inconvenient for users. Change line 12 in the camera.js from navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: true }) to: navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video: { facingMode: { ideal: 'environment' } }}) may use the rear camera on the device if applicable.

chen-gloria commented 3 weeks ago

Issue detected!