chenall / grub4dos

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Can't load to Ram an item bigger than 2 GB #248

Closed Taviruni closed 2 years ago

Taviruni commented 3 years ago

Hi, First I want to say this is a FANTASTIC version. Thanks very much for all your effort and time to make it for us. I liked a lot it is also capable to boot .gz and .lz4 files just as the MBR version as I have tested.

This is the issue I found: It seems something is wrong as grub4dos for UEFI do not let me load on Ram more than 2 GB, I got this message:

(hd0,1) Out of memory boot_image_handle not found

Press any key to continue....

I'm using grub4dos-0.4.6a_for_UEFI-2020-12-05 and can't load my 2.30 GB Mini-10x64.vhd on Ram in order to Ramboot from it (it has SVBus driver installed), the PC has 8 GB so this should no be a problem, as using the grub4dos MBR version it is loaded to Ram and Ramboots very fine, the VHD has a 64 MB FAT-32 ID: 0C, Primary Partition Active (to let me boot as MBR or UEFI), and a second partition NTFS where the Mini-10 is installed on Compact LZX mode used espace on this partition is 1.70 GB, if I made a 2046 MB VHD with same partions layout it Ramboots fantastic. It seems something is wrong as grub4dos for UEFI do not let me load on Ram more than 2 GB, The VHD file is located on a NTFS partition into a folder named VHD:

This is my menu.lst entry on EFI\grub\menu.lst

title 10x64-UEFI.vhd (2046 MB) SVBus RAMDISK for UEFI boot from HD find --set-root /VHD/10x64-UEFI.vhd map --mem /VHD/10x64-UEFI.vhd (hd) chainloader (hd-1)

For additional info see this post please:, also I opened a topic on MSFN forum as forum has been failing very frequently: My Mini-10x64 was made with the info on my Topic: but readapted to use a VHD with 2 partitions.

Thanks in advance, and once again this is fantastic improvement to grub4dos my prefered boot loader.

Your friend


a1ive commented 3 years ago

Please execute the following command: displaymem -a

Taviruni commented 3 years ago

I executed the code and made picture with the celphone, they are 5 big size pictures, I will move them to the PC and upload them, in the meantime take a look to this: a lot of virtual floppies, CDs and VHs are created on the VHD loaded on Ram. UEFI SVBus VHD-3 SVBus VHD-4 Ram


Taviruni commented 3 years ago

This are the images of the displaymem -a command:

WhatsApp Image 2020-12-07 at 5 42 21 AM WhatsApp Image 2020-12-07 at 5 44 16 AM WhatsApp Image 2020-12-07 at 5 44 18 AM WhatsApp Image 2020-12-07 at 5 44 24 AM WhatsApp Image 2020-12-07 at 5 44 30 AM WhatsApp Image 2020-12-07 at 5 44 38 AM WhatsApp Image 2020-12-07 at 5 44 46 AM


yaya2007 commented 3 years ago

have a try. title 10x64-UEFI.vhd (2046 MB) SVBus RAMDISK for UEFI boot from HD find --set-root /VHD/10x64-UEFI.vhd map --mem --top /VHD/10x64-UEFI.vhd (hd) chainloader (hd-1) BOOTX64.rar.txt

Taviruni commented 3 years ago

Thanks very much, this solved the issue on this PC. It took me some time as I had to made a new VHD, but finaly after testing this new version it is Rambooting very fine.

title Mini-10-UEFI.vhd (2360 MB MB) SVBus RAMDISK UEFI boot from HD find --set-root /VHD/Mini-10-UEFI.vhd map --mem --top /VHD/Mini-10-UEFI.vhd (hd) chainloader (hd-1)

Once again thanks for this fantastic UEFI version, now it is working great.

alacran (from

yaya2007 commented 3 years ago

The problem is solved. Good. This program has been modified several times. In order to determine which part of the program works, I hope you can test it again. Thank you. title Mini-10-UEFI.vhd (2360 MB MB) SVBus RAMDISK UEFI boot from HD find --set-root /VHD/Mini-10-UEFI.vhd map --mem /VHD/Mini-10-UEFI.vhd (hd) chainloader (hd-1)

Taviruni commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I didn't saw your comment until now. I'm using currently the version released in 2020-12-10 and it is working very fine in all my tests using map --mem --top

Do you still want me to test using only the map --mem command with this new version? or is not necessary anymore. I'm ready to run all tests you want to help you improve this fantastic version for UEFI.

By the way I saw on your program topic on that liuzhaoyzz was finally able to run 10x64 from Ram, with the new version, but now has some troubles trying to run 7x64 from Ram, which is not fully compatible with recent versions of UEFI firmware, only older versions support it. Just let me know if you want me to make some tests, here or on topic or on MSFM if is offline.

alacran (from

yaya2007 commented 3 years ago

yes,test it.

Taviruni commented 3 years ago

Done, it booted fine using following commands:

title Mini-10x64-2004-2.vhd (2360 MB) SVBus RAMDISK UEFI boot from HD (no --top) find --set-root /VHD/Mini-10x64-2004-2.vhd map --mem /VHD/Mini-10x64-2004-2.vhd (hd) chainloader (hd-1)

alacran (from

yaya2007 commented 3 years ago

Is this image installed in memory above 4GB or below? Is it the same computer as the screenshot above? If not, please check the memory distribution of this computer.

Taviruni commented 3 years ago

Is this image installed in memory above 4GB or below? I don't know but haven't changed the setting on the firmware, it has being always set to Enabled which is the preset option, MB is an old Asus B 75 8 GB Ram. Same Pc, just new G4E version.

Memory Remap Feature

alacran (from

Taviruni commented 3 years ago

As on some cases when a previous RamOS do not load or boot fine, on next successful boot I have found ghost virtual Floppies, CDs and VHDs, it could be good if you can show me or tech me a command to delete those ghost virtual drives, this could be useful to run more accurate tests, don't having them potentially interfering with results of next test, it wouldn't be a problem if they appear only in the RamOS that didn't boot fine, the problem is they appear when booting any other VHD.

I read this Post:

But the idea of making a copy is not very useful when I have 4 or 5 VHDs for testing, same applies for the defragmenting option, especially now that I started running tests with the files located on a USB 3.0 device and those ghost images were seen when Rambooting any VHD on internal HD or USB device.

alacran (from

yaya2007 commented 3 years ago

Memory Remap Feature cannot be opened

Taviruni commented 3 years ago

After disabled Memory Remap Feature, none of the VHDs are loaded to memory with or without --top, and after enabling it again same thing, now I can't load any of the VHDs to Ram, I get allways same message on all of them:

Memory Remap

Also grub2 new version from Wintofllash (or a1ve on do not load the VHDs on Ram and before changing this setting it was working very fine too.

alacran (from

yaya2007 commented 3 years ago

I can't open the link here. "disabled Memory Remap Feature",How to achieve this ?

yaya2007 commented 3 years ago

have a try. BOOTX64.rar.txt

Taviruni commented 3 years ago

"disabled Memory Remap Feature",How to achieve this ? I did it in the firmware/Bios on Memory Remap Feature option

Just fixed the PC problem: went back to firmware/Bios, loaded Optimized Settings, made my personal settings as language, etc, as they were before, and saved (F10), after reboot all is back to normal, tested again the 2.3 GB VHD and it loaded fine to Ram and also booted fine again with or without --top parameter. Also a1ive new grub2 version is working fine again.

I assume there is a bug in the PC firmware and the setting was not re-enabled right, but loading Optimized Settings fixed the issue.

Just downloaded your file on previous message, and will test it and report back. Do you want me to test something especifically or just test loading and booting from RAM VHDs? A little more info about version changes/improvements could be good to let me be more accurate on testing certain features.

By the way it seems there is an issue on map command, when mapping WinPE ISO file and also mapping VHD files, mam --mem and map --mem --top are wotking fine, for more info please see this post on

See you latter my friend. alacran (from

yaya2007 commented 3 years ago

In this version, the floppy disk image is removed to see if it works properly.

Taviruni commented 3 years ago

v2020-12-12 Test Report

Locations of files used to test: MBR NTFS Formated (hd0,4)/Isos/Win10XPE_x64.ISO MBR FAT-32 Formated (hd1,0)/VHD/Mini-10x64-2004-2.vhd

Commands tested: map; map --mem, and map --mem --top

All booted fine, not a single issue. No more issues when using command map alone.

Tests Done: title Start Win10XPE_x64.ISO as FILEDISK UEFI boot from HD find --set-root /Isos/Win10XPE_x64.ISO map /Isos/Win10XPE_x64.ISO (0xff) chainloader (0xff)

title Start Win10XPE_x64.ISO as RAMDISK UEFI boot from HD (no --top) find --set-root /Isos/Win10XPE_x64.ISO map --mem /Isos/Win10XPE_x64.ISO (0xff) chainloader (0xff)

title Mini-10x64-2004-2.vhd (2360 MB) SVBus FILEDISK UEFI boot from HD find --set-root /VHD/Mini-10x64-2004-2.vhd map /VHD/Mini-10x64-2004-2.vhd (hd) chainloader (hd-1)

title Mini-10x64-2004-2.vhd (2360 MB) SVBus RAMDISK UEFI boot from HD (no --top) find --set-root /VHD/Mini-10x64-2004-2.vhd map --mem /VHD/Mini-10x64-2004-2.vhd (hd) chainloader (hd-1)

title Mini-10x64-2004-2.vhd (2360 MB) SVBus RAMDISK UEFI boot from HD find --set-root /VHD/Mini-10x64-2004-2.vhd map --mem --top /VHD/Mini-10x64-2004-2.vhd (hd) chainloader (hd-1)

No more issues when using command map alone.

yaya2007 commented 3 years ago

thank you

Taviruni commented 3 years ago

You are welcome my friend.

In this version, the floppy disk image is removed to see if it works properly.

Just some comments, related to the successful tests:

Since you released this UEFI version all my VHDs UEFI bootables are MBR formated (2 partitions), First 64 to 100 MB Primary FAT-32 Active Partition ID:0C + a Secondary NTFS partition, were the OS with SVBus driver installed resides. The FAT-32 partition contains only boot files/folders to MBR/CSM and UEFI boot.

I think it was a good decision to remove the floppy disk image, and what about the CD image?, What is the use of it?

alacran (from

Taviruni commented 3 years ago

Grub4dos-for_UEFI-2020-12-15 + ntfs_x64.efi Test Report

Mini-10x64-2004.vhd >>> Single partition NTFS Active booted very fine >>> 2004 - release.191206-1406

Booted very fine.

title Mini-10x64-2004.vhd (2360 MB only NTFS) as RAMDISK UEFI boot from HD load /EFI/grub/ntfs_x64.efi find --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd --set-root /Mini-10x64-2004.vhd map --mem --top /Mini-10x64-2004.vhd (hd) chainloader (hd-1)

alacran (

Taviruni commented 3 years ago

Grub4dos-for_UEFI-2020-12-15 + ntfs_x64.efi (from Rufus) Test Report

Mini-10x64-2004.vhd >>> Single partition NTFS Active booted very fine >>> 2004 - release.191206-1406

The VHD fail to boot:

title Mini-10x64-2004.vhd (2360 MB) Rufus as RAMDISK UEFI boot from HD NTFS load /EFI/grub/ntfs_x64-R.efi find --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd --set-root /Mini-10x64-2004.vhd map --mem --top /Mini-10x64-2004.vhd (hd) chainloader (hd-1)

Used ntfs_x64.efi from Akeo (Rufus) renamed to ntfs_x64-R.efi:

The VHD was loaded to Ram but I got the message: Boot_image_handle not found, so this driver do not work fine with G4E

alacran (

a1ive commented 3 years ago

Grub4dos-for_UEFI-2020-12-15 + ntfs_x64.efi (from Rufus) Test Report

Mini-10x64-2004.vhd >>> Single partition NTFS Active booted very fine >>> 2004 - release.191206-1406

The VHD fail to boot:

title Mini-10x64-2004.vhd (2360 MB) Rufus as RAMDISK UEFI boot from HD NTFS load /EFI/grub/ntfs_x64-R.efi find --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd --set-root /Mini-10x64-2004.vhd map --mem --top /Mini-10x64-2004.vhd (hd) chainloader (hd-1)

Used ntfs_x64.efi from Akeo (Rufus) renamed to ntfs_x64-R.efi:

The VHD was loaded to Ram but I got the message: Boot_image_handle not found, so this driver do not work fine with G4E

alacran (

this driver doesn't work on my PC, and is not caused by grub.

Taviruni commented 3 years ago

@ aive

Thanks my friend, I was aware it didn't work on your PC, you commented it on a post on, just wanted to test the more recent version and this one also don't work, I don't mean the failure is caused by grub4dos, what I mean is it can't be used for our purpose.

alacran (

Taviruni commented 3 years ago

From my post:

I ran some tests to measure the times required to load to RAM a VHD:

UEFI grub4dos 2020-12-15 and last version of grub2 from a1ive were used on following tests.

Of course your times will be different as your VHDs will be different and your CPU, HD and Ram speeds will be also different but at least this can help to give an idea to what you can expect on your own tests.

My old Asus B75M-A MB 8 GB Ram DDR3 1333 MHz (AMI UEFI firmware) have several options to set the CSM: Auto, Enabled and Disabled. Also it allows to disable Secure Boot.

All tests are with the VHDs located into a partition on second HDD:

`Secure Boot = Disabled; CSM = Auto

Mini-10-UEFI-WB.vhd (FAT-32+NTFS) 1330 MB Grub2 >>> 28.94 sec.

Mini-10-UEFI-WB.vhd (FAT-32+NTFS) 1330 MB Grub2 + grub4dos >>> 15.08 sec.

Mini-10-UEFI-WB.vhd (FAT-32+NTFS) 1330 MB grub4dos >>> 15.00 sec.

Mini-10-UEFI-WB.vhd.lz4 (FAT-32+NTFS) 1330 MB Grub2 + grub4dos >>> 4.28 sec.

Mini-10-UEFI-WB.vhd.lz4 (FAT-32+NTFS) 1330 MB grub4dos >>> 4.31 sec.`

I will take both as 4.30 sec., as the difference may be just my finger response.

Here the lz4 compression helps a lot to improve the time as the Wimboot VHD has a lot of free space.

`Secure Boot = Disabled; CSM = Disabled

Mini-10-UEFI.vhd (NTFS) 2046 MB Grub2 >>> 44.53 sec.

Mini-10-UEFI.vhd (NTFS) 2046 MB Grub2 + grub4dos >>> Do not work

Mini-10-UEFI.vhd (NTFS) 2046 MB grub4dos >>> 22.76 sec.

Mini-10-UEFI.vhd.lz4 (NTFS) 2046 MB grub4dos >>> 21.16 sec.`

If booting from grub2 and chainloading to grub4dos the biggest VHD capable to boot is 1.3 GB as just tested too. There is something interfering to let boot bigger size VHDs in this case.

Here the lz4 compression do not help improve so much the time as the VHD has very small free space.

`Secure Boot = Disabled; CSM = Disabled

Mini-10x64-2004-2.vhd (FAT-32+NTFS) 2.3 GB Grub2 >>> 50.89 sec.

Mini-10x64-2004-2.vhd (FAT-32+NTFS) 2.3 GB Grub2 + grub4dos >>> Do not work

Mini-10x64-2004-2.vhd (FAT-32+NTFS) 2.3 GB grub4dos >>> 26.30 sec.

Mini-10x64-2004-2.vhd.lz4 (FAT-32+NTFS) 2.3 GB grub4dos >>> 22.85 sec.`

As on previous set of tests: If booting from grub2 and chainloading to grub4dos the biggest VHD capable to boot is 1.3 GB as just tested too. There is something interfering to let boot bigger size VHDs in this case.

Here the lz4 compression helps improve a few the time as the VHD has more free space than in previous set of tests.


  1. The best times required to load to Ram a VHD are got using UEFI grub4dos and lz4 compression.
  2. The second best times to load to Ram a VHD are got booting with UEFI grub2 and chainloding to grub4dos and lz4 compression.
  3. Having 8 GB of Ram and booting with UEFI grub2 and chainloading to grub4dos, do not work for files bigger than 1.3 GB.
  4. Unfortunatelly booting directly to UEFI grub4dos is not possible on only UEFI new MBs, so the users are forced to boot to UEFI grub2 first.

I think our very appreciated friends a1ive and yaya should try to find the cause of this issue, as this is inconceivable those VHDs boot very fine when loaded without chainloading from UEFI grub2 to UEFI grub4dos, something on the code of one of them (or maybe both) loaders is creating this issue when chainloading to the second loader.

I'm aware of the hard work (for free) of both of you, and I appreciate it a lot, but this issue is making me crazy. Sorry if my words could sound as a demand, please don't take it that way, take it as a very respectful and kindly request.

alacran (

Taviruni commented 3 years ago

Unfortunatelly booting directly to UEFI grub4dos is not possible on only UEFI new MBs, so the users are forced to boot to UEFI grub2 first.

I tried to say:

New PCs are only UEFI, and Secure Boot can't be dissabled, then we are forced to boot to UEFI grub2 and chainload to UEFI grub4dos.

And then the 2.30 GB VHDs can't be loaded to Ram, as you can see on my previous tests.

alacran (

yaya2007 commented 3 years ago

Please use the test version published in today's worry free forum to test.

yaya2007 commented 3 years ago

After gtub2 goes to G4e, take a look at the number of $grub4dos between 0-0x9ffff. Is svbus used?

Taviruni commented 3 years ago

I located the file on your post: But I can't download it, I got a Message:

Sorry, you do not have permission to download this attachment 抱歉,您没有权限下载本附件

Could you share it here?

After grub2 goes to G4e, take a look at the number of $grub4dos between 0-0x9ffff. Do I use displaymem -a command? Or you can give me a better command to use?

Is svbus used? Yes, of course, same files boot fine when booting directly to UEFI grub4dos, but when booting to grub2 and chainloading to UEFI grub4dos, and trying to boot with the usuall commands:

title Boot /VHD/Mini-10-UEFI.vhd (NTFS) UEFI RAMDISK 2 GB >>> IT DO NOT LOAD TO RAM load /EFI/grub/ntfs_x64.efi find --set-root --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd /VHD/Mini-10-UEFI.vhd map --mem --top /VHD/Mini-10-UEFI.vhd (hd) chainloader (hd-1)

title Boot /VHD/Mini-10x64-2004-2.vhd (FAT+NTFS) UEFI RAMDISK 2.3 GB >>> IT DO NOT LOAD TO RAM find --set-root --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd /VHD/Mini-10x64-2004-2.vhd map --mem --top /VHD/Mini-10x64-2004-2.vhd (hd) chainloader (hd-1)

Also tried without --top and same result.

alacran (

yaya2007 commented 3 years ago

First use displaymem -a to view: The beginning of the block with attributes below 0xa0000 other than 7, such as xxx, length is lll. Then use echo --mem=xxx=lll to view. BOOTX64.rar.txt

Taviruni commented 3 years ago

Thanks, just downloaded and will test it immediately.

alacran (

Taviruni commented 3 years ago

Following images is what I got: xxx


And this is the message when trying to load a 2.3 GB VHD: Out of Ram

Sorry for the quality of the image, but message is:

out of map memory: 8000000000000009 boot_image_handle not found

Press any key to continue...

alacran (

yaya2007 commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I didn't make myself clear.

  1. From Grub2 to G4E
  2. Execute on the command line: echo --mem=0x9f0f0=32
  3. analysis: If this is the case, then complete. 0009f0f0 D O S 0009f100 G R U B 4 E F I If not, continue testing: echo --mem=0x9e0f0=32 #Decrease every time 0x1000
  4. Count, see several D O S
  5. Execute on the command line: debug 3 find --set-root /VHD/Mini-10-UEFI.vhd map --mem --top /VHD/Mini-10-UEFI.vhd (hd) chainloader (hd-1)
Taviruni commented 3 years ago

I ran the first command from 0x9f0f0 to 0x9a0f0, only on 0x9d0f0, I saw on 0009D0F0 DOS and on 0009D100 GRUB4EFI, as you can see on the picture.


Latter ran the other commands and the PC didn't respond after the last enter, the keyboard was dead, and I had to reboot it.

alacran (

yaya2007 commented 3 years ago

I see. Thank you for the test! I once suspected that two map slots could not load VHD images larger than 1.3GB. Now it seems that this is not the case. What causes it still needs to be analyzed again.

liuzhaoyzz commented 3 years ago

Taviruni,You are really a good user and reporter for g4e/grub2,your reports are all very detailed. They are very useful for g4e/grub2 users and the developers.Thank you! liuzhaoyzz, from wuyou

Taviruni commented 3 years ago

Hi liuzhaoyzz, thanks for your kind words my friend. Just saw your post:

I tested it having full Boot and EFI folders (not renamed or compressed or as pointers) on FAT-32 Active Partition and also on NTFS partition.

title Boot /VHD/Mini-10-UEFI-WB.vhd (FAT+NTFS) UEFI RAMDISK 1330 MB find --set-root --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd /VHD/Mini-10-UEFI-WB.vhd map --mem --top /VHD/Mini-10-UEFI-WB.vhd (hd) chainloader (hd-1) NOTE: This is a WimBoot intallation.

As expected this new BOOTX64 2020-12-26 is working very fine, it now finds first the boot files/folders on the FAT-32 partition and boot from them, no more boot_image_handle not found.

But the RAMOS files bigger than 1.3 GB can't load to Ram yet, if booting to grub2 and chainloading to UEFI grub4dos to load them, as you can see on previous posts. I'm sure our good friend yaya will find a way to fix this, let's give him some time to isolate the cause of the issue.

But it seems to me it is very possible grub2 may be writing something to Ram (or reserving some space), on same location that G4E will load the RAMOS. Then if this is the case, the available contiguous space on that location on Ram is not enough to load a 2.3 GB file.


yaya2007 commented 3 years ago

Enter the grub2 command line, execute lsefimmap and take a screenshot. grub2->g4e, execute displaymem, screenshot. load 2.3Gb VHD. Add suffix. Txt to the screenshot file name and send it. I can't open the image here. I want to compare. Thank you for the test.

Taviruni commented 3 years ago

Attached requested info, if you need more info just let me know.

Grub2.jpeg.txt G4E.jpeg.txt Loading-VHD.jpeg.txt

alacran (

yaya2007 commented 3 years ago

grub2->g4e, execute displaymem -a, screenshot. load 2.3Gb VHD. Add suffix. Txt to the screenshot file name and send it. I can't open the image here. I want to compare. Thank you for the test. BOOTX64.rar.txt

Taviruni commented 3 years ago

This is the info you requested:

displaymem-a.jpeg.txt There were also other 800000000000000f on other screens

Booting.jpeg.txt The 2.3GB RamOS didn't boot but the message is different now.

alcran (

yaya2007 commented 3 years ago

I found the problem . You can use this test . I hope the problem can be solved to help you. BOOTX64.rar.txt

Taviruni commented 3 years ago

Please have a look at the file properties. Is it December 30, 19:04?

No, but just downloaded the December 30, 19:04

But I will try first the version on your last post and report back.

alcran (

Taviruni commented 3 years ago

Sorry to say this but your very last version didn't work, now even the 1.30GB VHD is not loaded to Ram it remains forever with the message: Read disk data to memory, please wait


And I had to reboot the PC.

About this:

No, but just downloaded the December 30, 19:04

I was wrong after cheking the date of the file just downloaded from your comment : I can see now it is December 30, 18:53 (downloaded it twice to avoid mistakes) It seems maybe you uploaded the wrong version date, so I can repit the test you asked my to do on the mentioned comment.

Please take your time my friend, there is no rush, enjoy the welcome to the new year (if you celebrate it) and we will talk next year. I wish you and all your family and friends a new year full of success and health.

Also the same wishes for all members of, especially to liuzhaoyzz and a1ive, that have being in direct contact with us on

Have a happy new year!

Your friend alacran (

liuzhaoyzz commented 3 years ago

Happy new year,my friends! @alacran @yaya2007 @a1ive ...

yaya2007 commented 3 years ago

Alacrane, happy New Year! It doesn't have to be a crash. If it usually takes one minute to load 2.3GB, you should wait patiently for two minutes. It's best to use a stopwatch.

Taviruni commented 3 years ago

Sorry my friend, I tested again with the 2.3 GB VHD and this time I waited for 5 minutes and it never load, also there was not any flashing on HD led to let me know it was reading the HD, as it does usually.

From some of my tests:

This are my times to load to Ram that VHD:

Secure Boot = Disabled CSM = Disabled

Mini-10x64-2004-2.vhd (FAT-32+NTFS) 2.3 GB Grub2 >>> 50.89 sec.

Mini-10x64-2004-2.vhd (FAT-32+NTFS) 2.3 GB Grub2 + grub4dos >>> Do not work

Mini-10x64-2004-2.vhd (FAT-32+NTFS) 2.3 GB grub4dos >>> 26.30 sec.

Mini-10x64-2004-2.vhd.lz4 (FAT-32+NTFS) 2.3 GB grub4dos >>> 22.85 sec.

But this time I decided to test something else and after booting to a1ive's grub2 and chainload to UEFI grub4dos, I ran following entry from my menu.lst (never tested before to load/boot this VHD lz4 compressed chainloading from grub2 to UEFI grub4dos on any other previous version of UEFI grub4dos, but I'll do it too, only case of a VHD lz4 compresed I tested this way before was a 1.3 GB VHD, and it booted fine):

title Boot /VHD/Mini-10x64-2004-2.vhd.lz4 (FAT+NTFS) UEFI RAMDISK 2.3 GB find --set-root --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd /VHD/Mini-10x64-2004-2.vhd.lz4 map --mem --top /VHD/Mini-10x64-2004-2.vhd.lz4 (hd) chainloader (hd-1)

And to my surprice the message: Read disk data to memory, please wait never appear and it started loading the Mini-10x64-2004-2.vhd.lz4 immediately and it booted very fine (Sorry I didn't take the time).

alacran (

Taviruni commented 3 years ago

Tested with 2020-12-29 09.53 version and the same 2.3 GB VHD lz4 compressed didn't load to Ram, same old message out of map memory: 8000000000000009 as I expected.

So far your very last version is the only one capable to load and boot the 2.3 GB VHD lz4 compressed, but not uncompressed, then this means your code is fine on some part but not in other part, but this also means you found the issue, and the way to avoid it, and you only need to fix the part that is not working fine, which I think is very close (or related) to the message: Read disk data to memory, please wait.

I'm very interested in try to help to solve this issue not only for me, but for all those users with limited memory and a only UEFI machine where they can't disable Secure Boot and will be forced to boot first to grub2 and chainload to UEFI grub4dos if they want to use this great tool you have developed.

But as I said before my friend there is no rush, take your time, and we can talk about this in a few days if you want.

Also you can be sure I'm ready to run all test you ask me, with no limit.

alacran (

yaya2007 commented 3 years ago

@alacran Happy new year, my friend! You are right. Version 2020-12-31 has solved the problem that VHD larger than 1.3GB cannot be loaded into memory. Compression VHD, using read file mode, so normal. Uncompressed VHD uses read sector mode, so it is abnormal. But liuzhaoyzz test, 8GB uncompressed VHD, is very fast, only 41% of the time of the old version. I don't know why you failed here.

Now upload a all read file mode, you can do all kinds of tests, you can load compressed and uncompressed VHD larger than 1.3GB. BOOTX64_ok.rar.txt

At the same time, uploading an uncompressed VHD is read sector mode. You can test uncompressed VHD, Test only one step: map --mem --top /VHD/Mini-10-UEFI-WB.vhd (hd)
