chenboxiang / fdfs-client

FastDFS Nodejs Client
MIT License
28 stars 7 forks source link

process crash when upload files #1

Open tfzxyinhao opened 10 years ago

tfzxyinhao commented 10 years ago

由于我自己封装了一个logger(log4js),还有我使用npm安装is-type-of这个的时候提示不存在 所以我对你的fdfs客户端做了一些修改 1.替换logger为我的logger 2.使用isstream代替is-type-of

最近在上传大概180个的图片的时候,上传到一半数量的图片就会进程崩溃,每次必现 相关代码

catch (err) {


callback = function() {
      if (isFunction(callback)) {
         oriCallback.apply(null, arguments)


function cleanup() {
   socket.removeListener('data', listener);
   // 关闭连接


closeSocket: function(socket) {
   socket.end(protocol.packHeader(protocol.FDFS_PROTO_CMD_QUIT, 0, 0))


        throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: write after end
    at writeAfterEnd (_stream_writable.js:130:12)
    at Socket.Writable.write (_stream_writable.js:178:5)
    at Socket.write (net.js:613:40)
    at Socket.Writable.end (_stream_writable.js:333:10)
    at Socket.end (net.js:397:31)
    at Object._.extend.closeSocket (/home/publish/protocol.js:246:16)
    at cleanup (/home/publish/protocol.js:237:22)
    at callback (/home/publish/protocol.js:153:13)
    at Socket.listener (/home/publish/protocol.js:210:25)
    at Socket.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:95:17)
chenboxiang commented 10 years ago


tfzxyinhao commented 10 years ago


function FDFS(){
    this.fdClient = new FdfsClient(config.fdfsConfig);
FDFS.prototype.upload = function(fileArr,cb){
    var self = this;
        self.fdClient.upload(item[0],{}, function (err,path) {
  "upload %s to %s,%j",item[0],path,err);
    }, function (err) {


var client = new FDFS;
var files = [["/home/tmp/1.jpg"],["/home/tmp/2.jpg"],["/home/tmp/3.jpg"],["/home/tmp/3.jpg"],["/home/tmp/4.jpg"],["/home/tmp/5.jpg"],...["/home/tmp/185.jpg"]]
if(files.length > 0) {
   client .doUpload(files, function (err) {
         logger.error("upload error:%j",err);


chenboxiang commented 10 years ago


chenboxiang commented 10 years ago


tfzxyinhao commented 10 years ago


chenboxiang commented 10 years ago


chenboxiang commented 10 years ago


tfzxyinhao commented 10 years ago


guhaizhous commented 10 years ago

你好作者,我的node v0.10.26版本如下测试

var FdfsClient = require('fdfs-client'); var debug = require('debug')('fdfs'); var fdfs = new FdfsClient({ // tracker servers trackers: [ { host: '', port: 22122 } ], // 默认超时时间10s timeout: 10000, // 默认后缀 // 当获取不到文件后缀时使用 defaultExt: 'txt', // charset默认utf8 charset: 'utf8', logger: { log: debug } });

var option ={ ext: 'jpg' } fdfs.upload('./10005515_3.JPG',option, function(err, fileId) { // fileId 为 group + '/' + filename console.log(err); console.log(fileId) });

报错如下,请问题util是用的哪里的util啊。 D:\soft\nodejs\aamUpLife\node_modules\fdfs-client\lib\fdfs.js:145 if (util.isFunction(options)) {//这里报错 has no method 'isFunction' ^ TypeError: Object # has no method 'isFunction' at FdfsClient.upload (D:\soft\nodejs\aamUpLife\node_modules\fdfs-client\lib\ fdfs.js:145:14) at Object. (D:\soft\nodejs\aamUpLife\index.js:49:6) at Module._compile (module.js:456:26) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10) at Module.load (module.js:356:32) at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12) at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:497:10) at startup (node.js:119:16) at node.js:902:3

chenboxiang commented 10 years ago

@guhaizhous 你重新安装下最新版本的模块,因为最早我是在node 0.11版本上测的,没注意。。,我后来改成都用is-type-of模块了。

guhaizhous commented 9 years ago

is-type-of 里面也是没有isFunction这个方法的。

nosqldb commented 9 years ago


luoyoubao commented 9 years ago

node v0.10.29报同样的错误,if (util.isFunction(options)) {//这里报错 has no method 'isFunction' 把util替换成is-type-of,然后修改相关引用的地方, 把util.isFunction 替换成is.function,还有util.isString替换成is.string,util.isBuffer替换成is.buffer 完成后测试通过!!!

chenboxiang commented 9 years ago

@luoyoubao 我更新了下版本号,以前不知道为什么没publish上去,你重新install再看看是否OK

luoyoubao commented 9 years ago

@chenboxiang 更新0.5.4的版本测试过了,已经可以了,谢谢大牛^_^

chenboxiang commented 9 years ago

nice O(∩_∩)O~

luoyoubao commented 9 years ago

用于生产环境的话,最好能支持批量上传,要不然不断连接关闭也是相当耗费资源的,性能跟不上来啊,大牛继续给力啊 [2014-12-09 15:19:22.995] [DEBUG] lookapp - The file length:5 [2014-12-09 15:19:23.116] [DEBUG] console - get a upload storage server from tracker server: [] [2014-12-09 15:19:23.116] [DEBUG] console - connect to tracker server [] [2014-12-09 15:19:23.119] [DEBUG] console - get a upload storage server from tracker server: [] [2014-12-09 15:19:23.120] [DEBUG] console - connect to tracker server [] [2014-12-09 15:19:23.121] [DEBUG] console - get a upload storage server from tracker server: [] [2014-12-09 15:19:23.121] [DEBUG] console - connect to tracker server [] [2014-12-09 15:19:23.122] [DEBUG] console - get a upload storage server from tracker server: [] [2014-12-09 15:19:23.122] [DEBUG] console - connect to tracker server [] [2014-12-09 15:19:23.125] [DEBUG] console - get a upload storage server from tracker server: [] [2014-12-09 15:19:23.125] [DEBUG] console - connect to tracker server [] [2014-12-09 15:19:23.161] [DEBUG] console - tracker server [] is connected [2014-12-09 15:19:23.162] [DEBUG] console - send header to tracker server [] [2014-12-09 15:19:23.163] [DEBUG] console - tracker server [] is connected [2014-12-09 15:19:23.163] [DEBUG] console - send header to tracker server [] [2014-12-09 15:19:23.163] [DEBUG] console - tracker server [] is connected [2014-12-09 15:19:23.163] [DEBUG] console - send header to tracker server [] [2014-12-09 15:19:23.163] [DEBUG] console - tracker server [] is connected [2014-12-09 15:19:23.163] [DEBUG] console - send header to tracker server [] [2014-12-09 15:19:23.164] [DEBUG] console - tracker server [] is connected [2014-12-09 15:19:23.164] [DEBUG] console - send header to tracker server [] [2014-12-09 15:19:23.165] [DEBUG] console - receive server packet header: {"status":0,"bodyLength":40} [2014-12-09 15:19:23.165] [DEBUG] console - get store storage server info: {"group":"xiupinjie01","host":"","port":23000,"storePathIndex":0,"timeout":10000,"charset":"utf8"} [2014-12-09 15:19:23.166] [DEBUG] console - connect to storage server []. [2014-12-09 15:19:23.167] [DEBUG] console - receive server packet header: {"status":0,"bodyLength":40} [2014-12-09 15:19:23.167] [DEBUG] console - get store storage server info: {"group":"xiupinjie01","host":"","port":23000,"storePathIndex":0,"timeout":10000,"charset":"utf8"} [2014-12-09 15:19:23.167] [DEBUG] console - connect to storage server []. [2014-12-09 15:19:23.169] [DEBUG] console - receive server packet header: {"status":0,"bodyLength":40} [2014-12-09 15:19:23.169] [DEBUG] console - get store storage server info: {"group":"xiupinjie01","host":"","port":23000,"storePathIndex":0,"timeout":10000,"charset":"utf8"} [2014-12-09 15:19:23.169] [DEBUG] console - connect to storage server []. [2014-12-09 15:19:23.170] [DEBUG] console - receive server packet header: {"status":0,"bodyLength":40} [2014-12-09 15:19:23.170] [DEBUG] console - get store storage server info: {"group":"xiupinjie01","host":"","port":23000,"storePathIndex":0,"timeout":10000,"charset":"utf8"} [2014-12-09 15:19:23.170] [DEBUG] console - connect to storage server []. [2014-12-09 15:19:23.171] [DEBUG] console - receive server packet header: {"status":0,"bodyLength":40} [2014-12-09 15:19:23.171] [DEBUG] console - get store storage server info: {"group":"xiupinjie01","host":"","port":23000,"storePathIndex":0,"timeout":10000,"charset":"utf8"}

chenboxiang commented 9 years ago


luoyoubao commented 9 years ago

恩,请教楼主一个问题,我们项目中现在需要存储大量的图片文件,而且需要生成缩略图,目前考虑用fastdfs做文件存储,主要思路有两种: 一种是上传时实时压缩或裁剪; 另外一种是下载时根据原图实时生成缩略图; 实时裁剪的目前来看主要是裁剪和上传比较耗费性能,测试了下使用fdfs-client裁剪加上上传5张图片大概用了1-2秒左右的时间,再加上网络上传时间,估计如果客户端上传3-5张图片,1M左右需要平均3-5秒,这样加起来服务器响应时间大概5-10秒左右了,当然这个还没考虑到并发场景; 另外一种方案考虑请求时实时压缩,如nginx+lua_nginx+GraphicsMagick,但是这种方案对服务器压力较大; 不知道楼主是否了解一些类似的解决方案!因为使用NODE不久,如果方便是否可以加QQ请教下! QQ: 104918751

chenboxiang commented 9 years ago


deserthunter commented 9 years ago

下载文件失败错误代码: Error: receive packet errno is: 2 请问如何解决,新手求指教

deserthunter commented 9 years ago

var ws = fs.createWriteStream("e:/app.rar");, ws, function (err) { if (err) { console.log(err); deferred.reject(err.toString()); }else{
