chenchongthu / ENMF

This is our implementation of ENMF: Efficient Neural Matrix Factorization (TOIS. 38, 2020). This also provides a fair evaluation of existing state-of-the-art recommendation models.
MIT License
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想请问下您有没有考虑实现过非负采样+lightGCN这样的模型呢?实验效果会比MF为基础模型好吗? #8

Closed saladcat closed 3 years ago

chenchongthu commented 3 years ago

尝试过,效果会相比于lightGCN有些许提升,但是提升幅度不如BPRMF->非采样MF。我们AAAI 2021 的工作 就是在GCN类模型上使用非采样进行模型训练~

saladcat commented 3 years ago
