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VIVO-130: Query for GeoFocusMapLocations is Static to GeographicRegion #123

Open chenejac opened 11 years ago

chenejac commented 11 years ago

Stephen V. Williams (Migrated from VIVO-130) said:

Looking at GeoFocusMapLocations in src/edu/cornell/mannlib/vitro/webapp/controller/ajax has a variable, GEO_FOCUS_QUERY (line 32) that defines a static query for all locations of type core:GeographicRegion. How does this work with State focuses?

Tim I'm willing to help if this is a bug, I'm hoping to modify this so that I can use query this for core:Country and produce a heat map of countries researchers are focused on. I'm hoping to intergrate this map as a option on the Geo Focus Section.

chenejac commented 11 years ago

tlw72 said:

Stephen: the intensity map you want to show will display countries, but your question is about states. Are you trying to roll-up state researcher counts into country totals? Thanks.

chenejac commented 11 years ago

Stephen V. Williams said:

How does it display Countries? I have country data and I'm not seeing those totals in the visualization. Is there an ontology change I'm missing? I dont' want to roll up, just looking at the query it appears to ignore core:Country and core:State. Do those get inferred as core:GeographicRegions?

If that is the case, then I'll look into why my data isn't doing that (inferring to core:GeographicRegions) and/or wait for the ontology changes to come out. I'd like to build a Heat map that one can toggle in this block and can set as default (incase Liz perfers one over the other). I have my visualization demo built (I'll try to attach a picture).

chenejac commented 11 years ago

Stephen V. Williams said:

This is made with google maps. I'm going to work on

chenejac commented 11 years ago

tlw72 said:

States, countries, continents and transnational regions are all subclasses of GeographicRegion, and they will be included in the query results so long as they are the geographic focus of a researcher. The attached image of the heat map shows that data is being pulled in. Is it the other visualization that's the problem or is there a specific country that you're not seeing totals for?

chenejac commented 11 years ago

tlw72 said:

Stephen: I just pushed a new version of the class to git. There was an issue with the display of U.S. totals. Is this what you're seeing or something else?

chenejac commented 11 years ago

tlw72 said:

The heat map option is not a requirement of release 1.6, so downgrading this from blocker.

chenejac commented 11 years ago

Stephen V. Williams said:

It's a requirement for us at CU so that's what it was a blocker before. But I should have it done this week. I was hoping to just piggy back on the query, but I'll look into copying the concept into a GeoHeatMapLocation ... etc and then add it as a tab on the front interface (if both are enbabled and I'll try to work with Jim to get that into the configuration). Taking over the assignment of this ticket.

chenejac commented 11 years ago

tlw72 said:


There's no reason you can't piggy back on the existing query in the java class. That query's results include counts for regions and countries. Isn't that what you need?

What you probably need to do, however, is use a different java script file that parses the results differently. Leaflet requires the data to be in GeoJson format; I'm not sure this will work correctly with Google's API.


chenejac commented 7 years ago

Mike Conlon said:

Is this still an issue in the software?  Using the 1.9.2 release is it possible to execute the desired query?