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VIVO-1449: NullPointerException on invalid visualization #1343

Open chenejac opened 6 years ago

chenejac commented 6 years ago

Christian Hauschke (Migrated from VIVO-1449) said:

At least in current VIVOs a java.lang.NullPointerException is thrown when one tries to open an empty visualisation.

Easy to replicate by visiting [] or Works at other VIVOs, too:


chenejac commented 6 years ago

Jim Blake said:

It might make sense to call this the URL not of an "empty" visualization, but of an invalid one. I distinguish because this URL leads to an author-network of an author with no publications:


This leads to an "empty" network, while the URL cited above leads to an author-network where no author is specified.


For me, this raises the question: when someone asks for a network diagram based around no one, what response should be given?

chenejac commented 6 years ago

Christian Hauschke said:

Thanks, I changed the title of this issue.

chenejac commented 6 years ago

Jim Blake said:

At first, I was getting no stack trace on the exception. I tweaked the file, and got this:

java.lang.NullPointerException at java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.get( at edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.visualization.coauthorship.CoAuthorshipQueryRunner.getCachedData( at edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.visualization.coauthorship.CoAuthorshipQueryRunner.getQueryResult( at edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.visualization.personlevel.PersonLevelRequestHandler.generateStandardVisualizationForPersonLevelVis( at edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.visualization.personlevel.PersonLevelRequestHandler.generateVisualizationForShortURLRequests( at edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.controller.visualization.ShortURLVisualizationController.renderVisualization( at edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.controller.visualization.ShortURLVisualizationController.processRequest( at edu.cornell.mannlib.vitro.webapp.controller.freemarker.FreemarkerHttpServlet.doGet(

chenejac commented 6 years ago

Jim Blake said:

It looks like one approach would be to throw a MalformedQueryParametersException in the constructor of CoAuthorshipQueryRunner if egoURI is null or empty.

Or perhaps it would be cleaner to handle it in PersonLevelRequestHandler.