chenejac / VIVOTestMigrationJIRA

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VIVO-1473: Write "VIVO for Data Analysts" #1367

Closed chenejac closed 6 years ago

chenejac commented 6 years ago

Mike Conlon (Migrated from VIVO-1473) said:

Write a one pager for data analysts describing the vivo approach to data, describing getting data from VIVO, with links to other resources and references.

chenejac commented 6 years ago

Mike Conlon said:

A simple one page overview is available here:

chenejac commented 6 years ago

Mike Conlon said:

Requesting reviews from [~accountid:70121:808d5a90-2466-4d5d-ab89-ba021388469d] and [~accountid:60785ded115da6006f540529]

Please leave any comments here in the JIRA

chenejac commented 6 years ago

Violeta Ilik said:

Paragraph on Background:

  1. In my opinion I think you should add before this sentence: "If you are unfamiliar with this method for data representation, see the references." more information about the RDF formats used in VIVO. Explain briefly the few languages for expressing data in the Resource Description Framework (RDF) data model. Add information from w3c. For example: RDF represents information using "triples", each of which consists of a subject, a predicate, and an object. Each of those items is expressed as a Web URI. There are few languages to represent RDF dta. For example N-Triples is a line-based, plain text format for encoding an RDF graph. See example: [insert a screenshot of N-Triples]. 

You can get one example from here to include in the page:

Turtle is defined a a subset of Notation3 (N3) language, and a superset of the minimal N-Triples format. Turtle provides a way to group three URIs to make a triple, and provides ways to abbreviate such information, for example by factoring out common portions of URIs. Turtle can only serialize valid RDF graphs. {}

  1. Please add link to a page with VIVO Google Groups when mentioning the groups.
chenejac commented 6 years ago

Mike Conlon said:

Great, thanks.  I added additional explanation and references.  Added a link to the email.

This page is not intended to provide a tutorial regarding triples or examples of triples. Happy to refer to a paper or other material if there is some.  And if not, perhaps we should write.

For this page, the idea is to provide a high-level overview for people who want to do data analysis.  They should likely meet their VIVO providers.  I have added a sentence about that to the background.

chenejac commented 6 years ago

Violeta Ilik said:

Looks good now. Thanks for adding the additional info and the link to VIVO Google Groups. I'm happy with this page now (y)

chenejac commented 6 years ago

Mike Conlon said:

Thank you Violeta!