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VIVO-16: Use lazy loading of attributes to speed up profile display #15

Open chenejac opened 11 years ago

chenejac commented 11 years ago

Jon Corson-Rikert (Migrated from VIVO-16) said:

Tim at Cornell has developed a tempate that produces horizontal tabs for VIVO property groups instead of the current vertical orientation that requires scrolling down to see the next group.

Richard from Duke asked on the dev call whether parts of the data not initially displayed could be lazy-loaded to perhaps improve performance of the initial rendering of a page.

chenejac commented 8 years ago

Mike Conlon said:

Only display a "page" worth of publications at a time (say 20). This creates a maximum for the amount of data that must be fetched from VIVO to display any profile.

chenejac commented 8 years ago

Jon Corson-Rikert said:

The challenge here is that to display a sorted list of publications, you will likely need to first retrieve all of a person's publications to pick the most recent 20 -- and since VIVO is normally set to "collate by subtype," you additionally need to sort by both type and then by date -- and to have an easy way to provide a link to retrieve the next "page" of book chapters, academic articles, etc. There may still be some savings in rendering less information once sorted, but the queries don't seem to be simpler.

chenejac commented 7 years ago

Graham Triggs said:

Probably better to use a javascript framework - e.g. AngularJS - to reduce the complexity of SPARQL, repeated evaluation of similar queries and to pull in parts of a page as required.