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VIVO-1814: i18n : French version of VIVO Publication graphic mouseover message is truncated #1706

Closed chenejac closed 3 years ago

chenejac commented 4 years ago

Nicolas B Dickn (Migrated from VIVO-1814) said:

The French version of the mouseover message that goes along the VIVO Publications graphic got somehow truncated – quite probably because an apostrophe -wasn't escaped properly-.

Note: the cause is obviously an apostrophe in (line 557), but since apostrophe aren't escaped in the properties file, the bug must occur at a higher level.

chenejac commented 3 years ago

Nicolas B Dickn said:

I was under the impression that 

sparksText += "&nbsp;<img class='infoIcon' src='" + infoIconSrc + "' height='16px' width='16px' alt='${i18n().info_icon?js_string}' title='${i18n().numbers_based_on_publications_in_vivo?js_string}' />" ;

would work, but it does not. On the other hand :

sparksText += "&nbsp;<img class='infoIcon' src='" + infoIconSrc + "' height='16px' width='16px' alt='${i18n().info_icon?replace("'","&#39;")}' title='${i18n().numbers_based_on_publications_in_vivo?replace("'","&#39;")}' />" ; 

does work, but it's not very satisfactory.

chenejac commented 3 years ago

Nicolas B Dickn said:

Maybe a config issue?

chenejac commented 3 years ago

Nicolas B Dickn said:

Proposed fix : []

Edit: An alternative could be to tweak the configuration in /vitro-project/api/src/main/java/edu/cornell/mannlib/vitro/webapp/web/templatemodels/,but since this config file affects the whole build, it would require a clear understanding of the consequences and a thorough testing.

chenejac commented 3 years ago

Andrew Woods said:

See GitHub comment for testing questions:

chenejac commented 3 years ago

Andrew Woods said:

Related issue to the testing errors (not related to the focus of this ticket)?

chenejac commented 3 years ago

Andrew Woods said:

Resolved with:

chenejac commented 3 years ago

This issue is related to #1839