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VIVO-1821: i18n: incomplete text, placeholder text on Identity tab > add 'same as' #1712

Closed chenejac closed 3 years ago

chenejac commented 4 years ago

Alexander J. Jerabek (Migrated from VIVO-1821) said:

From the profile page: [http://localhost:8080/vivo/display/n7257]

Route: Organizations > [Chemistry] > Profile page > Identity tab > Add 'same as' Organisations > [Chimie] > Profile page > Identité > Ajouter 'même que'

Placeholder text in french on both english and french versions:

French: Ajouter un enregistrement de type Thing pour Chimie C'est la propriété d'OWL de relier deux personnes ayant la même 'identité'. Voir [] Nom de la thing

English: Add an entry of type Thing for Chemistry C'est la propriété d'OWL de relier deux personnes ayant la même 'identité'. Voir [] Thing Name *

Page: [http://localhost:8080/vivo/editRequestDispatch?subjectUri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080%2Fvivo%2Findividual%2Fn7257&]

chenejac commented 4 years ago

Dominik Feldschnieders said:

For me the text is always in german, so i thing it is the same issue and has something to do with the browser location. I will look into it

chenejac commented 4 years ago

Dominik Feldschnieders said:

It looks like the Getter for public descriptions of Properties does not work good with language tags. If i go to "Site Admin" -> "Object property hierarchy" -> select "vivo:features" (or any other property with public description)  i only get one language (for me german because i live in Germany).

Can someone confirm that behavior?

chenejac commented 4 years ago

Andrew Woods said:

I am seeing translations that are mostly correct, but not completely. I believe the fundamental issue is that fr_CA and de-DE have "vitroAnnotations" files, but the other languages do not. There is a default "vitroAnnotations" file in core VIVO... which is in English. We should probably remove that file and include a "vitroAnnotations" file for each i18n language.

Specifically as it relates to de-DE, there appears to be a minor bug in the file (notice "@en-US"):

chenejac commented 3 years ago

Dominik Feldschnieders said:

I can confirm that the error is in the files. For the french version the language tag was not correct (see []) I added an english version (just a copy of the original vitroAnnotations file) and now it is working fine. I will create a PR today or tomorrow with all necessary changes but only for the existing files. 

Should i create new tickets for the other langauges where no VitroAnnotation file exists or should i translate them with google-translate for an initial version?

I think what I described before was fixed by one of your changes we talked about in the last meeting.

chenejac commented 3 years ago

Dominik Feldschnieders said:

I solved the problem, added an english version of the file and removed the default from the VIVO-Repo.

[PR 1|[]]

[PR 2|[]]

chenejac commented 3 years ago

Andrew Woods said:

Resolved with: and