chenejac / VIVOTestMigrationJIRA

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VIVO-1824: The (Home) page of the French version cannot display a random persons when there is a large number of persons in the comic book. #1715

Closed chenejac closed 3 years ago

chenejac commented 4 years ago

Michel Héon (Migrated from VIVO-1824) said:

Bug identify by Maxime Belanger UQ

When we import 1000 or more people, the home page does not display people randomly. The problem is in the JavaScript generation, the number of "facultyMember" is formatted in French when it should just be a number.

English version

French version. The number is falsely formatted, which causes a JavaScript error that prevents people from being displayed on the home page.

  The code in the template "./VIVO-Trad-ecosysteme/GIT/vivo-uqam-i18n/vivo-project-i18n/vivo-installer-i18n/webapp-i18n/src/main/webapp/templates/freemarker/lib/lib-home-page_en_CA.ftl" does not remove the blanks:

<#if (class.individualCount > 0) >   
     <script>var facultyMemberCount = ${class.individualCount?string?replace(",","")?replace(".","")};</script><#else>   
    <script>var facultyMemberCount = 0;</script>


chenejac commented 3 years ago

Nicolas B Dickn said:

chenejac commented 3 years ago

Andrew Woods said:

Resolved with: