chenejac / VIVOTestMigrationJIRA

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VIVO-1838: i18n : Grammar problems on temporal graph visualization page in french #1729

Closed chenejac closed 4 years ago

chenejac commented 4 years ago

Nicolas B Dickn (Migrated from VIVO-1838) said:

Bug extracted from ticket


Also, it seems (to me) that there is a missing article here:

current text: Cette organisation n'a aucune organisation subordonnée ni aucune personne qui lui est associée publications dans le système

should be: 'Cette organisation n'a aucune organisation subordonnée ni aucune personne qui lui est associée [des] publications dans le système.'

However, I am uncertain about the correct use of articles here, others may have a better idea.

Page: [http://[localhost:8080]/vivo/vis/publication-graph/n7257]

chenejac commented 4 years ago

Nicolas B Dickn said:

chenejac commented 4 years ago

Andrew Woods said:

Resolved with:

chenejac commented 3 years ago

This issue is related to #1680