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VIVO-1845: i18n: Creating a new Vivo concept in french appears in english list and vice versa #1736

Closed chenejac closed 3 years ago

chenejac commented 4 years ago

Alexander J. Jerabek (Migrated from VIVO-1845) said:

From the profile page of a person: http://localhost:8080/vivo/display/n1736

Click on the 'Manage concepts' icon. Select 'Add a concept' Click on 'Select or create a VIVO-defined concept.'

If in french interface, a new french concept will appear in english interface, and if in english interface a new english concept will appear in french interface.

chenejac commented 3 years ago

Andrew Woods said:

The issue here appears to be that all "" individuals are returned without any filtering or preference given to language... which is probably what we want. In order to see language-specific labels for the same concept (ResearchArea), the admin must edit the "label" of the concept by adding language-specific variants of the concept.

[~accountid:5ce5bb60eba5870dd5466dcd]: I believe this is a non-issue. Could you verify? Please let me know if I can help.

chenejac commented 3 years ago

Alexander J. Jerabek said:

[~accountid:60785ded115da6006f540529] : Can you remind me of the correct formulation for adding a language-specific indicator or variant when creating the concept? E.g., epistemologie [fr_CA]?


chenejac commented 3 years ago

Andrew Woods said:

[~accountid:5ce5bb60eba5870dd5466dcd]: I believe only the labels for the concept have lang-tags... not the concept itself. So you create the concept, then add/edit the label while in different language contexts.

chenejac commented 3 years ago

Alexander J. Jerabek said:

[~accountid:60785ded115da6006f540529]: I tested it by creating a concept in French and editiing the label in English. The result is that the concept appears in French in the French context, and in English in the English context. You can close this ticket.