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VIVO-1846: i18n: Widget control buttons for capability map are in english in french version #1737

Closed chenejac closed 4 years ago

chenejac commented 4 years ago

Alexander J. Jerabek (Migrated from VIVO-1846) said:

In the capability map when in the french version, the widget control buttons have english labels.


pause = Figer hide group labels = Masquer les noms delete selected = Retirer du graphe Remove capability = Retirer du graphe Remove group = Retirer du graphe Expand = Étendre

chenejac commented 4 years ago

Dominik Feldschnieders said:

There are two addiotnal control buttons if you click "hide group labels" the new label of the button is "show group labels"

is the translation for french "montrer les étiquettes de groupe" okay?

and if you click the pause button, the label is "resume"

"resume" -> "curriculum vitae"?

i will translate these button controls for every language in the Repository but not liable for errors :)

Additionally the code uses the label of the button, so I have to change that.

chenejac commented 4 years ago

Dominik Feldschnieders said:

I have made the necessary changes for all available languages in VIVO-languages. 

[PR 1|[]]

[PR 2|[]]

chenejac commented 4 years ago

Andrew Woods said:

Resolved with: