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VIVO-1853: Minor changes to the translation in the edition page "Articles de recherche" #1744

Closed chenejac closed 3 years ago

chenejac commented 4 years ago

Rachid Belkouch (Migrated from VIVO-1853) said:

"Articles de recherche" page in French, from the "Research" item list page: 

(1) Header menu items: remove the upper cases  except first letter (see capture)

(2) Minor changes to the text in the French translation when creating/editing an entry:


chenejac commented 4 years ago

Nicolas B Dickn said:

Point 1 VIVO-languages\fr_CA\webapp\src\main\webapp\templates\freemarker\body\partials\individual\individual-property-group-tabs_fr_CA.ftl line 22-29

<#if tabCount = 1 >
 <li class="selectedGroupTab clickable" groupName="${groupNameHtmlId?replace("/","-")}">${groupName?capitalize}</li>
 <li class="groupTabSpacer">&nbsp;</li>
 <#assign tabCount = 2>
 <li class="nonSelectedGroupTab clickable" groupName="${groupNameHtmlId?replace("/","-")}">${groupName?capitalize}</li>
 <li class="groupTabSpacer">&nbsp;</li>

should have cap_first instead of capitalize

Point 2.1 should be part of a global correction/normalization of gender related terms in properties and ttl files in fr_CA. This should be discussed within UQAM team and moved to another ticket.

Point 2.2 string should be fixed in

Point 2.3 is partly fixed by [], but it would still need a correction in initialTBoxAnnotations_fr_CA.nt (line 378) :

chenejac commented 3 years ago

Nicolas B Dickn said:

Point 1 will be fixed by

[|] [] [ |] []

chenejac commented 3 years ago

Nicolas B Dickn said:

-Second half of ticket is fixed by []-

-Sorry for multi commits ; I have yet to master squash.-

Already fixed with

chenejac commented 3 years ago

Andrew Woods said:

Resolved with: