chenejac / VIVOTestMigrationJIRA

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VIVO-1975: UriFinders may fail to find all URIs that need updating after content is deleted #1864

Open chenejac opened 3 years ago

chenejac commented 3 years ago

Georgy Litvinov (Migrated from VIVO-1975) said:

See original issue .

This issue is for the general problem.  Unless very carefully crafted, UriFinders may fail to identify all URIs that need updating in the search index after triples are deleted, especially in bulk.  This is because the URI finders run on the current state of the triple store after all deletes have already occurred.  The URI finders do not have access to the triples that were deleted, and thus certain triple patterns may fail to bind to current values.

The problem can be demonstrated in VIVO 1.11 (or earlier) using the built-in URI finders for vCard content.  The related person's record is not updated when an entire section of a vCard (e.g. a vcard:Title) is deleted in a single operation.

How to reproduce (in 1.11):