chenejac / VIVOTestMigrationJIRA

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VIVO-1984: Multilingual page title editing retains only two out of three language values #1873

Closed chenejac closed 3 years ago

chenejac commented 3 years ago

Michel Héon (Migrated from VIVO-1984) said:

When editing page titles in page management, after toggling through en_US, fr_CA and de_DE to set three different values:


"The title in en_US is replaced by the onein de_DE. At the end of the operations,only the title in de_DE and fr_CAremains, while the title in en_US ismissing"

chenejac commented 3 years ago

Brian Lowe said:

I haven't been able to reproduce this.  Both with editing existing page titles and creating a new page and editing titles in all four languages, all are retained and English is not replaced with something else.

chenejac commented 3 years ago

Michel Héon said:

[~accountid:557058:3f53c733-6ac2-4e92-9f12-e34e297283a3] I also tried again and it works fine. We can close this ticket