chenejac / VIVOTestMigrationJIRANotClosed

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VIVO-1698: Add FAST vocabulary lookup to VIVO #124

Open chenejac opened 5 years ago

chenejac commented 5 years ago

Don Elsborg (Migrated from VIVO-1698) said:

OpenVIVO has a FAST vocabulary lookup service.

[~accountid:70121:808d5a90-2466-4d5d-ab89-ba021388469d] would like to see this in 1.11

Her steps are below and Huda confirmed them:

 Based on my discussion with @Huda Khan looks like these two files: [] need to be copied to this location: []After that only the FAST related lines from here need to be copied to the same file in VIVO. []

chenejac commented 5 years ago

Don Elsborg said:

It appears that RiotReader.createParserNTriples is deprecated in Jena 3.1.1

see line: []

LangRIOT parser = RiotReader.createParserNTriples(in, new StreamRDFBase() {

It looks like the proper command to use is: RDFDataMgr.parse

So far I haven't got this running.

Latest progress can be seen at:




The challenge I'm facing is this line: [] and mapping the functionality of the old createParserNTriples to the new parser. I imagine this is due to lack of in depth java knowledge and the jena libraries.