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VIVO-1653: Adapt installation instruction for linux users #144

Open chenejac opened 5 years ago

chenejac commented 5 years ago

Svantje Lilienthal (Migrated from VIVO-1653) said:

I would like do add notes for linux users to the installation instruction  (e.g. on how user groups have effect). Also I would like to add concrete command line instructions linux users can copy and paste. For details see my comment below.

chenejac commented 5 years ago

Ralph O'Flinn said:

Do you have any wording you would like to add?

chenejac commented 5 years ago

Mike Conlon said:

How different would these commands be than the commands we provide in the installation instructions currently?

Do we need a separate document, or can the Linux commands (when they are different) be in the installation document as notes?

chenejac commented 5 years ago

Svantje Lilienthal said:

This is my list on how to prepare the install (might be better added here [])

 To the permissions section maybe we can add something like this (maybe you have better ideas on the parameters, i did the brute force solution ;)):

To the section Configure and Start Tomcat we could add this:

(!) make sure your are running your tomcat with the same user as the maven build.


chenejac commented 5 years ago

Ralph O'Flinn said:

I think that some of this would out of scope for the install and some are specific to a particular version Linux.

You are using Ubuntu correct?  Can you tell me which version?

chenejac commented 5 years ago

Svantje Lilienthal said:

yes maybe it is too much for the general install page, we could also create a new one for linux users.

I am using Ubuntu 18.04.

chenejac commented 5 years ago

Ralph O'Flinn said:

I’ll fire up an Ubuntu VM and run it all through and we can go from there! :)

chenejac commented 5 years ago

Ralph O'Flinn said:

I have been looking over this but depending on Linux distro the instructions would be different and I don't think we can consistently support items like how to install maven and other packages.

I have been looking at this previously from a Redhat and CentOS perspective with similar instructions.

I was thinking about this last night and maybe a link to a "hints" page that can cover different OSs at certain points in time.


chenejac commented 5 years ago

Svantje Lilienthal said:

Sure, might be a good solution.