chenejac / VIVOTestMigrationJIRANotClosed

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VIVO-1642: Upgrade Vitro/VIVO Maven dependencies #151

Open chenejac opened 5 years ago

chenejac commented 5 years ago

Andrew Woods (Migrated from VIVO-1642) said:

This task is to review the Maven dependencies found in the multiple pom.xml files, and upgrade them to newer versions. There are several tools to help with this, including:

chenejac commented 5 years ago

Andrew Woods said:

Is this ticket ready for review?

chenejac commented 5 years ago

James Creel said:




chenejac commented 5 years ago

Andrew Woods said:

Pending response from [~accountid:557058:28bf0e19-be44-4d31-bf08-92a83ba4876f].

chenejac commented 4 years ago

Andrew Woods said:
