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VIVO-210: Integrate ORCID CrossRef publication lookup #565

Open chenejac opened 11 years ago

chenejac commented 11 years ago

Jon Corson-Rikert (Migrated from VIVO-210) said:

Moved from created 3/24/2011 by Brian Lowe

Adapt from the ORCID mini-grant Mummi Thorisson's code for embedding a CrossRef search in the add publications page.

Jon Corson-Rikert added a comment - 13/Apr/11 10:33 PM This is likely to involve work with the edit configuration and saving results from a form they develop into the model Brian Caruso added a comment - 11/May/11 4:27 PM Jon, I didn't know what you wanted to do with these mini-grant issues. So to move them off of Huda's list I'm assigning them to you. We might want to close them or delete them.

Jon Corson-Rikert added a comment - 02/Jan/12 11:42 AM - edited See Mummi's notes at -- this issue is implementation task #1:

Implementation task #1: Add publications from external system Out of the box, VIVO only supports searching for & adding publications already loaded into the system, or adding publications manually via the generic RDF editing forms. The aim of this task is to enable a VIVO end user to interactively search for & retrieve records from external bibliographic system and add to their profile.

Modifying the VIVO front end Changes to the VIVO front end were mainly confined to the following:

Improved publication listing: the stock VIVO profile display has a very basic “Publications” section which is missing most of the information typically provided in scholarly reference listings. The listview SPARQL configuration and corresponding Freemarker template were modified to retrieve and display additional information (journal/publicationVenue, volume, DOI etc). See example listing here: (Note: this will allegedly be much improved in the upcoming v1.4 release) Modified RDF editing workflow: the JSP form which handles adding publications to a person was modified to include A) HTML & JavaScript to support the bibliographic search & retrieval UI, and B) additional fields for bibliographic information. Searching & retrieving biblio records via CrossRef services The Rails app provides two RESTful web services endpoints which serve as wrappers around two key CrossRef services. This part of the app does not connect with the main VIVO app (i.e. could easily run elsewhere on the server) but served as a useful “trial run” for us before moving to implementing the more involved OAuth stuff below:

/rails/biblio/search wraps the SIGG search for looking up citations in CrossRef’s metadata collection. /rails/biblio/retrieve wraps the DOI metadata service for dereferencing DOI URLs (example: and retrieving publication metadata as RDF. The client-side Javascript performs Ajax requests to these two services to i) search for publications with a query string entered by the user, and then ii) fetch full details for the publication selected by the user for import into VIVO.

note to self: see if there is a way to attach screenshots to these wiki pages..

Saving publication metadata to the VIVO triplestore The outcome of the above is a populated JSP form with publication metadata. The user can alter this if desired, and then submit the form. From then on the process is handled by the main VIVO app itself, which builds the necessary RDF snippets from the format data and populates the triplestore back end.

Main outstanding issues/limitations Only does one publication at a time Does not detect duplicates in either article or journal Does not deal with author names other than that of the profile owner: co-authors are simply imported as-is from the CrossRef RDF

chenejac commented 11 years ago

Jim Blake said:

I'm assigning an initial estimate of the task size, but I really won't know until I look at it more closely,

chenejac commented 6 years ago

Mike Conlon said:

This feature is implemented in OpenVIVO.

chenejac commented 6 years ago

Christian Hauschke said:

There should be a manual how to implement this in a standard VIVO.Is there something like that?

chenejac commented 6 years ago

Mike Conlon said:

All the work for this issue has been completed in OpenVIVO.  The code needs to be implemented in VIVO.