chenglou / react-radio-group

Better radio buttons.
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Move `prop-types` library to devDependencies #54

Open eugef opened 5 years ago

eugef commented 5 years ago

As react and react-dom are already defined as devDependencies i propose to to the same with prop-types.

Are there any cons?

nkbt commented 5 years ago

prop-types are used in prod build, but react-dom is not. So they have to be in deps. Alternatively in peer deps

eugef commented 5 years ago

react is also used in prod build but it is not in dependencies list. This makes sense and allows to avoid transitive dependencies and ending up with multiple instances of react in one project.

The same approach should work for prop-types - moving it to devDependencies and peerDependencies

nkbt commented 5 years ago

yeah, peer deps would do just fine

eugef commented 5 years ago

@nkbt please review my PR #56