chengpohi / edql

Elasticsearch Query GUI Client
Apache License 2.0
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Issue with multiple connections #31

Closed tudorpie closed 9 months ago

tudorpie commented 10 months ago

I have multiple connections as such:


The local and qa one use localhost:9291 for host and a user/pass combo. What QA does different is that it has ssh connection with key pair. (To an external server)

HOWEVER: The QA connection seems to actually be a similar LOCAL connection

NOTE: PROD server is similar to QA (different key/pair and SSH Host though) BUT it has a different host:

chengpohi commented 10 months ago

Hi @tudorpie , so what's the problem you meet? Could not connect prod and qa host by ssh tunnel?

tudorpie commented 10 months ago

I could connect to prod; qa connection actually connected to localhost instead of going to remote server.

chengpohi commented 10 months ago

@tudorpie got it I will try to reproduce it with ssh key pair

chengpohi commented 9 months ago

Hi @tudorpie please try the latest version: v1.9.31, and also you can download from Jetbrains market v1.9.31.

This issue is caused by refactor in v1.9.28: jsch tunnel connect not correctly handle by connection.

Thanks your feedback, If you meet any issue please let me know.
