chenhao2345 / ICE

Implementation for ICCV 2021 paper "ICE: Inter-instance Contrastive Encoding for Unsupervised Person Re-identification"
MIT License
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Memory bank update problem #7

Closed Git-Yxt closed 2 years ago

Git-Yxt commented 2 years ago

why didn't the author update the camera-aware memory bank in an epoch?

chenhao2345 commented 2 years ago

We update the memory bank every 400 iterations in the paper. Actually, we tested a higher update frequency, such as every 200 or 300 iterations, but the final results remain almost the same.

Git-Yxt commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your explanation. But I still have the question. I think you mean that the memory bank's updating process is conducted with re-clustering at the beginning of each epoch. Why didn't you use momentum to update the memory bank as some papers do? Is there any difference? Thank you for your reply.

chenhao2345 commented 2 years ago

I know some papers use momentum on feature vectors in the memory bank. I use momentum on network weights. I remember that I tested both and the results are also similar.

Git-Yxt commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your detailed explanation.