chenhsi / Ambroscum

An interpreter/compiler for a programming language we're probably going to create
MIT License
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User Interface - Command Line #14

Closed chenhsi closed 2 years ago

chenhsi commented 11 years ago

Ultimately, this project should be made into a jar file, that is invokable from the command line. Thus, support for this feature should be added, perhaps with various command line arguments.

chenhsi commented 10 years ago

Since I'm assuming that you haven't started on this, and I would like to clear away some of these issues that are significantly past deadlines that have already been postponed, I wrote some code for this. I have no idea what a reasonable set of command line arguments are, but I randomly wrote some stuff.

For the specific arguments I currently support (which you should feel free to change at will), see the comment for the new commandLineMain function in, created so that I don't actually have to use this interface when testing.