chenlingantelope / MSscRNAseq2019

Analysis for 2019 submission "Integrated single cell analysis of blood and cerebrospinal fluid leukocytes in multiple sclerosis" Schafflick1, Xu, Hartlehnert1 et. al
MIT License
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Missing Data Files for Reproducing CSEA_All.ipynb #7

Open yeqing97 opened 4 months ago

yeqing97 commented 4 months ago


First, I'd like to express my appreciation for your excellent work and the resources you've provided. I'm currently trying to reproduce the Jupyter notebook CSEA_All.ipynb, but I've encountered an issue related to missing files.

In the notebook, there's a code snippet that references a CSV file:

VisionScore = pd.read_csv('../CSF/signatures/sigScore.allsigs.csv')
VisionScore = VisionScore[VisionScore.columns[1:]]

Unfortunately, I couldn't find sigScore.allsigs.csv in the repository or the associated directories. Is this file available somewhere, or is there a recommended way to generate it?

Additionally, I've looked at the R script Vision.R to see if it might help generate the required data. However, this script also references two CSV files that I couldn't find:

latent_u = read.table('RFiles/latent_u.csv', sep=',')
latent = read.table('RFiles/latent.csv', sep=',')

Could you guide me on where to find these files, or suggest an alternative approach to generating the data needed for the notebook?

Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

K10308 commented 4 months ago
