chenshuo / muduo

Event-driven network library for multi-threaded Linux server in C++11
14.7k stars 5.15k forks source link

安装报错,protobuf #553

Open qinzhuzhu opened 2 years ago

qinzhuzhu commented 2 years ago

GitHub issues are for tracking bugs, not for general discussing like a forum.

If you have a general question to ask, send it to mailing list:

Or visit:!forum/muduo-library

When file an issue muduo, please provide a SSCCE: Short, Self Contained, Correct (Compilable), Example.

If you can't compile muduo, make sure you install cmake and boost from the official package repository, e.g. apt or yum, before opening a bug. Don't open a bug if you installed boost from a third-party source or downloaded it by yourself, and couldn't compile muduo, thank you.

Also specify the exact environment where the issue occurs:

Linux distro and version? x86 or ARM? 32-bit or 64-bit?

Linux Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS 64-bit

Branch (cpp98/cpp11/cpp17) and version of muduo?

cpp11 muduo-2.0.2

Version of cmake, gcc and boost? (If not from distro.)

cmake 3.10.2 gcc 7.5.0 boost 1.65.1 protoc --version libprotoc 2.6.1

运行 :./ -j2 ++ pwd

chenshuo commented 2 years ago

Did you upgrade or downgrade protobuf library / compiler recently? Or installed protobuf from source instead of 'apt get'? Ubuntu 18.04 comes with protobuf 3.0.0: Try

$ dpkg -l | grep libproto
SLwarrior commented 1 year ago

(base) zhao@ubuntu:~/muduo$ ./

Do you know how this mistake was made and how to solve it