chentoast / marks.nvim

A better user experience for viewing and interacting with Vim marks.
MIT License
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Feature Request: Ability to control sign priority #14

Closed andrewferrier closed 2 years ago

andrewferrier commented 2 years ago

In NeoVim, one can control the 'priority' of signs in the sign column. (See :help sign-priority). It would be nice if I could control the priority of the signs marks.nvim places in its configuration. For example, I use gitsigns.nvim also, and I consider git changes to be more important than marks.nvim signs (sorry!). It would be nice to be able to 'demote' the signs from this plugin.

Even better (if this is not just creeping configuration) would be to control letter signs and built-in marks separately. The former I place myself, so they are arguably 'important'. The latter are by-products of editing, and I would argue should be very low priority.

andrewferrier commented 2 years ago

Thanks again for your great work on this plugin ;)

andrewferrier commented 2 years ago

(the sign_priority config item in shows how I envisaged this working).

chentoast commented 2 years ago

Yes, this is on the todo list. My priority is first fixing #10 , but after that it should be relatively simply to add an option controlling this.