chenxiaolong / Unity-for-Arch-Extra

Extra stuff for the Unity-for-Arch project
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Unity for arch binaries not unable to resolve dependencies #39

Open gebruiker1 opened 7 years ago

gebruiker1 commented 7 years ago

So after adding the repo's to pacman.conf I executed the following ( see below). I tried installing some of the packages from AUR but to no avail there are still missing packages

[gebruiker@localhost ~]$ LANG=C sudo pacman -S $(pacman -Slq Unity-for-Arch) resolving dependencies... warning: cannot resolve "dbus-core", a dependency of "geis" warning: cannot resolve "libzeitgeist", a dependency of "nautilus-ubuntu" warning: cannot resolve "dbus-core", a dependency of "geis" warning: cannot resolve "geis", a dependency of "nux" warning: cannot resolve "libgnomeui", a dependency of "unity" warning: cannot resolve "dbus-core", a dependency of "geis" warning: cannot resolve "geis", a dependency of "nux" warning: cannot resolve "nux", a dependency of "unity" warning: cannot resolve "libzeitgeist", a dependency of "unity-lens-applications" warning: cannot resolve "libzeitgeist", a dependency of "unity-lens-video" :: The following packages cannot be upgraded due to unresolvable dependencies: geis nautilus-ubuntu nux unity unity-lens-applications unity-lens-video

:: Do you want to skip the above packages for this upgrade? [y/N] n error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies) :: geis: requires dbus-core :: nautilus-ubuntu: requires libzeitgeist :: geis: requires dbus-core :: nux: requires geis :: unity: requires libgnomeui :: geis: requires dbus-core :: nux: requires geis :: unity: requires nux :: unity-lens-applications: requires libzeitgeist :: unity-lens-video: requires libzeitgeist