chenyilun95 / tf-cpn

Cascaded Pyramid Network for Multi-Person Pose Estimation (CVPR 2018)
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In the function of Preprocessing() of, does the object objcenter means the center point of bounding box? #7

Closed gdjmck closed 6 years ago

gdjmck commented 6 years ago

I saw that bbox is read from the json file, and the value of key 'bbox' is (start_x, start_y, width, height). So the object adds the latter 2 values with the first 2 values to get the end_x and end_y. Then comes the issue I'm confused of, objcenter = np.array([bbox[0] + bbox[2] / 2., bbox[1] + bbox[3] / 2.]) if it was to calculate the center point, why wasn't it wrote as (bbox[0] + bbox[2]) / 2. instead? Division comes before addition, right? Am I getting the wrong idea?