chenzhm01 / VGG16_slim

training vgg16 with single-gpu, multi-gpu, distribute by tensorflow-slim
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VGG16_slim问题请教! #1

Open 670373064 opened 6 years ago

670373064 commented 6 years ago

你好,很荣幸看到你的VGG的finetune程序,在运行您的程序时,出了点问题,想向您请教! 我是把您的47类换成了2类,在运行下面的程序时,报错: net, endpoint = vgg.vgg_16(inputs, num_classes=None, is_training=is_training, dropout_keep_prob=dropout_keep_prob)

报错如下: Shape of a new variable (vgg_16/fc8/weights) must be fully defined, but instead was (1, 1, 4096, ?).

是 num_classes=None, 这个不能为None啊,但是我改成2又报错: ValueError: ('Convolution not supported for input with rank', 2)


chenzhm01 commented 6 years ago

我上传了nets文件夹,你再试试, 用num_classes=None