Open pflores429 opened 10 months ago
Got passed this error only to be confronted with the com plus 532462766 exception code when I go to create the connection.
I am trying to connect to an Oracle database
Would you be able to provide example code?
static void Main(string[] args)
var Tbuilder = new JdbcConnectionStringBuilder { DriverClass = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver", DriverPath = "C:\\Users\\DEV101\\ojdbc11.jar", JdbcUrl = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@ldap://oracleServer.corp:1510/DevDB,cn=oraclecontext,dc=world;UID='DEV101';PWD='qx3Wz>uc%xlz'" };
var Tprops = new JdbcConnectionProperties{{ "User", "Dev101" }, { "Password", "qx3Wz>uc%xlz" } };
using JdbcConnection Tconnection =new JdbcConnection(Tbuilder,Tprops);
Fails on using JdbcConnection Tconnection =new JdbcConnection(Tbuilder,Tprops)
DriverPath, DriverClass and JdbcUrl from the provided example generate CS0103, name does do not exist in current context, compilation errors.