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3D periodic piece-wise emission distribution model: mappers.pyx #399

Open MMoscheni opened 1 year ago

MMoscheni commented 1 year ago

Dear CHERAB team,

is there any interest in having a new mapper which, given a 2D function defined in the poloidal plane, maps such function in a 3D one which is periodic along the toroidal direction? For instance, the resulting 3D function could be alternatively zero or non-zero (and matching what one would obtain with the already existing AxisymmetricMapper) along the toridal direction. This could be useful given the usual shaping of the plasma-facing components in tokamaks and resulting emission in their proximity (see Fig. 3 of this paper for an example).

An idea of implementation could be the following:

cdef class DiscreteToroidalMapper(Function3D):
    Performs a periodic (of period = periodicity) discrete rotation of a 2D function
    (defined on the xz plane) around the z-axis. The resulting 3D function is a piece-
    wise function, which is non-zero over a range of where_non_zero [rad] in each slice.

    Due to the nature of this mapping, only the positive region of the x range
    of the supplied function is mapped.

    :param Function2D function2d: The function to be mapped.
    :param float periodicity: Periodicity [rad] of the 3D mapping,
                               i.e. 1 / periodicity = number of slices.
    :param float where_non_zero: Angle [rad] in each slice where the resulting function
                                  is non-zero.

    .. code-block:: pycon

       >>> import numpy as np
       >>> from cherab.core.math import DiscreteToroidalMapper
       >>> def f1(r, z):
       >>>     return r
       >>> periodicity = 2 * np.pi / 2      # 2 slices (x>0 and x<0 half-spaces)
       >>> where_non_zero = periodicity / 2 # half of each slice is non-zero (1st and 3rd quadrants)
       >>> f2 = DiscreteToroidalMapper(f1,
                                       periodicity = periodicity,
                                       where_non_zero = where_non_zero)
       >>> f2(+1/np.sqrt(2), +1/np.sqrt(2), 0)
       >>> f2(+1/np.sqrt(2), -1/np.sqrt(2), 0)

    def __init__(self, object function2d, double periodicity, double where_non_zero):

        if not callable(function2d):
            raise TypeError("Function3D is not callable.")

        if where_non_zero > periodicity:
            raise ValueError("where_non_zero must be smaller than periodicity.")

        self.function2d = autowrap_function2d(function2d)

        self.periodicity = periodicity        # [rad]
        self.where_non_zero = where_non_zero  # [rad]

    def __call__(self, double x, double y, double z):
        return self.evaluate(x, y, z)

    cdef double evaluate(self, double x, double y, double z) except? -1e999:
        """Return the value of function2d when it is y-axis symmetrically
        extended to the 3D space and falling in where_non_zero range.
        Return 0 otherwise."""

            double phi, phi_dw, phi_up
            int n, num

        # toroidal angle [rad]
        phi = atan2(y, x) + M_PI

        # number of slices
        num = int(2 * M_PI / self.periodicity)

        # check if zero must be returned (more efficient)
        for n from 0 <= n < num by 1:
            phi_dw = n * self.periodicity + self.where_non_zero
            phi_up = (n + 1) * self.periodicity
            if phi > phi_dw and phi < phi_up:
                return 0.0

        return self.function2d.evaluate(sqrt(x*x + y*y), z)
vsnever commented 1 month ago

I think that periodic and cylindrical transform function added in #388 solve the problem.