cherab / solps

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Fixes and improvements in SOLPSSimulation, SOLPSMesh and related functions #35

Closed vsnever closed 3 years ago

vsnever commented 4 years ago

This PR addresses the issues #8, #20, #31, #33, #34, #36 and #37.

Issue #8 is addressed in the following way:

Issue #20 is fixed. *_f2d() and *_f3d() interpolators are added for plasma parameters. For vectors _carteisan suffix is used instead of _f3d.

Issue #31 is fixed. Now if the neutral densities from Eirene are available, they replace the neutral densities from B2.

Issue #33 is fixed using lookup_isotope() and lookup_element() methods. The plasma composition is defined from nuclear charge, atomic mass number and electrical charge. This is more robust than parsing a string with species names.

Issue #34 is addressed by parsing the following additional quantities in load_solps_from_mdsplus() and load_solps_from_raw_output():

The fluxes are not stored in SOLPSSimulation, but used to calculate velocities.

Issue #36 is fixed. The parallel velocity and the B2 fluxes (in s-1) defined on cell faces are used in b2_flux_to_velocity() to calculate velocities at cell centres. If neutral atom fluxes from Eirene (in m-2 s-1) defined at cell centres are available, they are used in eirene_flux_to_velocity() replacing the B2 ones.

Issue #37 is fixed. Now all arrays are row-major. However, the indexing is inverted. The correct index order now is: (radial, poloidal) or (species, radial, poloidal) for scalars and (vector component, radial, poloidal) or (species, vector component, radial, poloidal) for vectors. This should improve the performance in typical workflows.

Remaining issues:

vsnever commented 4 years ago

Just updated the code by adding ion and neutral atom temperatures. The latter is not available in stand-alone B2.5 simulations.

vsnever commented 4 years ago

I renamed this PR because now it addresses not just #31 but in some degree #8 too.

Replacing the algorithm for poloidal basis vectors calculation in SOLPSMesh was more a bug fix than an improvement. The SOLPS mesh have break points due to the separatrix. In the old algorithm, which calculated the basis vectors using the cell centres, the basis vectors had wrong values at these break points.

vsnever commented 4 years ago

Just noticed that conversion from poloidal to Cartesian coordinates in is incorrect. It's for orthogonal basis, but SOLPS uses curvilinear coordinates.

vsnever commented 4 years ago

Just noticed that conversion from poloidal to Cartesian coordinates in is incorrect. It's for orthogonal basis, but SOLPS uses curvilinear coordinates.

Sorry, I'm wrong here. It converts to Cartesian, so it's OK.

mattngc commented 4 years ago

Hey Vlad, I don't have any strong opinions on these improvements. I don't use this module as much at the moment, so I think opinions from the main users are more important. I'll let @jacklovell and @Mateasek give feedback on these changes.

vsnever commented 4 years ago

Hey Vlad, I don't have any strong opinions on these improvements. I don't use this module as much at the moment, so I think opinions from the main users are more important. I'll let @jacklovell and @Mateasek give feedback on these changes.

Hi Matthew, thanks for reply. I need a couple more days to get this PR ready for review.

vsnever commented 4 years ago

In the first post, I summaraised the changes made in this PR and marked it ready for review.

Hi @jacklovell and @Mateasek, I am awaiting your verdict).

Hello @jrh-ccfe, could you please share any file, so I could improve load_solps_from_balance(). I have access to Heimdall cluster, so a path to the file will be enough.

vsnever commented 3 years ago

I updated and revert the change in the fort44 parser.

jacklovell commented 3 years ago

One other comment: if Axisymmetric wrappers of SOLPSFunction2D and SOLPSVectorFunction2D replace the corresponding 3D functions, perhaps we should remove the latter from the module entirely. The 3D functions are still present in this PR.

CnlPepper commented 3 years ago

One other comment: if Axisymmetric wrappers of SOLPSFunction2D and SOLPSVectorFunction2D replace the corresponding 3D functions, perhaps we should remove the latter from the module entirely. The 3D functions are still present in this PR.

I agree, it would be best to remove redundant code.

CnlPepper commented 3 years ago

Also, considering the amount of change here it would be worth adding to the changelog while the changes are still fresh. I'll defer to @CnlPepper on whether this is a big enough change to warrant a 1.2 (or even a 2.0) release, or whether a 1.1.1 would be suitable.

While there are large API changes to the SOLPSSimulation API, the core functionality for loading and generating Plasma objects and the object layout are essentially the same. It is definitely a new minor release, possibly a major release.

The arguments for a major/minor version increment would be the degree of impact to the main usage of the package. This one lies on the border I suspect. As the active users of this package, you would be best placed to assess the impact on users and then decide if you want to go for v2.0.0 or v1.2.0.

Please do add a changelog. I would recommend getting into the habit of checking if it needs updating with every pull request.

Mateasek commented 3 years ago

That is a large amount of work @vsnever, very nice. Thanks for all the work you put into it, especially when SOLPS is not the easiest code to understand and read! I would like to propose one more change, since this is quite major rewrite. I would suggest also removing the commented plotting methods from the SOLPSimulation class. I think the plots would be better done outside in a separate file, as it is with equilibrium plots in Cherab. I don't mean that you should be also adding it now.

vsnever commented 3 years ago

@jacklovell, @Mateasek, @CnlPepper, thank you very much for the code review. I hope I addressed all the issues you raised. For three of them I left the comments (see above). If I did not leave a comment, it means that the issue is fixed exactly as you suggested.

I've run the 3 demo scripts we currently have on a limited set of runs that I have access to and they seem to produce mostly the same results as before. I expect any small differences are a result of bug fixes. Have you done regression testing on any other SOLPS cases you have?

When the data is read from the MDSPlus, the only difference should be in species velocities, because of the bug fix. When the data is read from the file, then in addition to velocities, the density of impurity neutral atoms is different, because now it's obtained from the Eirene data. If the data is read from raw simulation files then the density of main plasma neutral atoms is also different because previously it was obtained from B2.

Also, considering the amount of change here it would be worth adding to the changelog while the changes are still fresh. I'll defer to @CnlPepper on whether this is a big enough change to warrant a 1.2 (or even a 2.0) release, or whether a 1.1.1 would be suitable.

I updated the changelog suggesting a 1.2 version.

In addition to the improvements you suggested, I removed redundant check for inside/outside mesh in SOLPSTotalRadiatedPower emitter, and because now this emitter uses only a total_radiation_f3d from SOLPSSimulation, I think that passing the simulation object to this emitter is no longer needed, a Function3D instance is enough.

jacklovell commented 3 years ago

@CnlPepper @Mateasek are you happy for these changes to be merged?

Mateasek commented 3 years ago

Yes, sorry I am new to this, forgot to click on approve. Very nice piece of work!

CnlPepper commented 3 years ago

Happy here, nice work!

vsnever commented 3 years ago

@jacklovell, @Mateasek, @CnlPepper, thanks a lot!

@jacklovell, please do not close #34 when this is merged. There is still plenty of work to do.