cherenkov-plenoscope / cable_robo_mount

a novel mount for the Cherenkov-plenoscope
MIT License
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Work on cable properties and position #50

Closed spirosd closed 7 years ago

spirosd commented 7 years ago

Subissues -Position of backstay cables -new material properties -new cross section -modifiers and stiffness

spirosd commented 7 years ago

Only the position issue remains

spirosd commented 7 years ago

position issue resolved. Further more precise issues: -More cable positions (every pi/4 2 more cables) -Aux cables on the foundations (crucial for the simulation) -Fix supports for the # columns -Check Tait-Bryan angles for their function -Height of the columns/Translation of the dish should match(as possible) the cable intersection with the centre of gravity of the dish. -Chose an appropriate trajectory surface. (fit to a simple parabloic surface maybe(?). 5th order polynomial matches the boundary conditions for fitting. Is it a big improvement. Check notes)

spirosd commented 7 years ago

UPDATE -Aux cables on the foundations (crucial for the simulation) -Fix supports for the # columns -Check Tait-Bryan angles for their function -Height of the columns/Translation of the dish should match(as possible) the cable intersection with the centre of gravity of the dish. -Chose an appropriate trajectory surface. (fit to a simple parabloic surface maybe(?). 5th order polynomial matches the boundary conditions for fitting. Is it a big improvement. Check notes)

spirosd commented 7 years ago

UPDATE2 -Fix supports for the # columns -Check Tait-Bryan angles for their function -Height of the columns/Translation of the dish should match(as possible) the cable intersection with the centre of gravity of the dish. -Chose an appropriate trajectory surface. (fit to a simple parabloic surface maybe(?). 5th order polynomial matches the boundary conditions for fitting. Is it a big improvement. Check notes)

spirosd commented 7 years ago

UPDATE3 -Check Tait-Bryan angles for their function -Height of the columns/Translation of the dish should match(as possible) the cable intersection with the centre of gravity of the dish. -Chose an appropriate trajectory surface. (fit to a simple parabloic surface maybe(?). 5th order polynomial matches the boundary conditions for fitting. Is it a big improvement. Check notes)

spirosd commented 7 years ago

UPDATE4 -Check Tait-Bryan angles for their function -Chose an appropriate trajectory surface. (fit to a simple parabloic surface maybe(?). 5th order polynomial matches the boundary conditions for fitting. Is it a big improvement. Check notes)

spirosd commented 7 years ago

UPDATE5 -Check Tait-Bryan angles for their function -Trajectory surface chosen: 2nd order polynomial with three constraints. (smooth according to the derivatives not taken into account, as ropes are assumed to counter react gravitational forces). Code for a 50m dish x = np.array([-23.5, 0, 23.5]) y = np.array([18.4, 0, 18.4]) z = np.polyfit(x, y, 2) p= np.poly1d(z)

spirosd commented 7 years ago

UPDATE6-Final Decision to assign a parabolic trajectory. No spatial trajectory surface for start, due to high comp. cost. Issue will remain open, as it could be enhanced with a 3D trajectory in the future.

spirosd commented 7 years ago
