Closed 0x5e closed 6 years ago
I've found similar problems in this function and _xpath(). It seems that the author stopped paying attention in this project. This forked version is still being updated: ttopholm/dlnap
Thanks to danito, who fixed this issue days ago. You can find the fixed version in ttopholm/dlnap By the mean time, I am working on use lxml to parse all the xml data to avoid this kind of problem for good. And I still heisitated about the inconvenient of increased indepency if I do so.
@XenosLu @ttopholm Thank you guys for keeping it alive. Unfortunately I have no either time or environment to fix your issues and test them. I wish I'll merge your pull requests as soon as it will be possible and come back to support as well. Thanks again!
was parsed as the start of the node, not the node, which made his brother nodes behind him parsed as his childs.