cherryphilip74 / iSpindel-PCB

This is a modified version of iSpindel drawer proposed in PCB format instead of 3d print. The project is available at:
GNU General Public License v3.0
43 stars 11 forks source link

deserializeJson() failed: NoMemory #22

Open Naesstrom opened 4 years ago

Naesstrom commented 4 years ago

When I try to save the new formula (-0.001344537tilt^2 + 0.616671894tilt - 13.73642293) it reboots and then the original formula is still there. Everything else seems to be working and the log says the config is saved?

saving config...
{"Name":"iSpindel000","Token":"","Sleep":900,"Server":"","API":0,"Port":80,"Channel":0,"URI":"","DB":"ispindel","Username":"","Password":"","Job":"ispindel","Instance":"000","Vfact":191.8,"TS":0,"OWpin":12,"POLY":"-0.002083958*tilt^2 + 0.737917168*tilt - 18.06203205","SSID":"","PSK":"","Offset":[0,0,0,0,0,0]}
saved successfully

The problem is that it then reboots 2 times and seems to save the standard config again?

saving config...
saved successfully
Samples:30 min:78.07 max:78.17 time:520
x: -3166 y: 14064 z: -590
Tilt: 78.12
Tacc: 24.22
Volt: 4.43
Temp: 22.87
Parse error at 1
Gravity: 0.00
After waiting 0ms, result 0
Rescue Wifi credentials
failed to connect

Only thing I can find in the log that could indicate some kind of problem is the deserializeJson() failed: NoMemory in the boot. Tried reinstalling and clearing memory etc.

FW 6.2.0
Worker run!
mounting FS... mounted!
reading config file
deserializeJson() failed: NoMemory
scanning for OW device on pin: 5
No devices found!
scanning for OW device on pin: 12
Found device with ROM = 28 C8 D6 16 A8 1 3C D9
  Chip = DS18B20
  Data = 1 70 1 55 5 7F A5 A5 66 C7  CRC=C7
  Temperature = 23.00 Celsius, 
offsets not available
Boot-Mode: Deep-Sleep Wake

Double Reset detected
ERROR no Wifi credentials

going to Config Mode
gingerneil commented 4 years ago

I am seeing this on 6.2.0 also. I think this has been tracked down to an issue with the gyros, and is fixed by increasing the page size to 3. I am therefore using 5.8.6 for now until a fix is put into 6.2.1

Naesstrom commented 4 years ago

@gingerneil any link to where it is discussed?

gingerneil commented 4 years ago

It's covered by one of the issues on the ispindel git. It's fixed in 6.3.1.