Open webknjaz opened 6 years ago
At some point, Jython was supported and worked fine. I've personally used CherryPy in Jython. I'd like to think it's one of the most accessible web frameworks. With the introduction of dependencies and thus the dependence on pip, I'm finding that Jython is becoming less viable.
Although we don't have test support for Jython (for various reasons), I would want us to avoid adding features that prevent running on Jython if possible. That is, I'd like to retain the intended and declared support for Jython even if we can't guarantee it.
And if someone reports something that doesn't work on Jython, I would consider that a valid bug, though something that would almost certainly require contribution from the reporter to address it.
@jaraco well, if you can just install it, please tell me how. I can't.
I'm also having problems installing it, because (from what I can tell), pip is currently broken on Jython (on at least a couple of levels).
I was able to use pip on CPython to install the dependencies thus:
tmp $ pip install -t . cherrypy
Collecting cherrypy
Cache entry deserialization failed, entry ignored
Using cached
Collecting six>=1.11.0 (from cherrypy)
Using cached
Collecting cheroot>=6.2.4 (from cherrypy)
Downloading (67kB)
100% |████████████████████████████████| 71kB 363kB/s
Collecting portend>=2.1.1 (from cherrypy)
Using cached
Collecting backports.functools-lru-cache (from cheroot>=6.2.4->cherrypy)
Using cached
Collecting more-itertools>=2.6 (from cheroot>=6.2.4->cherrypy)
Using cached
Collecting tempora>=1.8 (from portend>=2.1.1->cherrypy)
Using cached
Collecting pytz (from tempora>=1.8->portend>=2.1.1->cherrypy)
Using cached
Installing collected packages: six, backports.functools-lru-cache, more-itertools, cheroot, pytz, tempora, portend, cherrypy
Successfully installed backports.functools-lru-cache-1.5 cheroot-6.3.2 cherrypy-16.0.2 more-itertools-4.2.0 portend-2.3 pytz-2018.4 six-1.11.0 tempora-1.11
tmp $ jython
Jython 2.7.1 (default:0df7adb1b397, Jun 30 2017, 19:02:43)
[Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (Oracle Corporation)] on java1.8.0_45
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import cherrypy
try pip install -e .[testing]
We need to figure out how to run it
Or not - we could just say Jython is supported but not tested/maintained internally.
I don't feel comfortable with such setup
I'm submitting a ...
Describe the bug. What is the current behavior?
Jython is not supported, while still listed in classifiers.
What is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior?
Nobody uses it anyway.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Expected behavior
~Everything works~ Well, at least that it's possible to install or run any tests.
Classifiers should correspond tested versions, I tried to add jython to Travis CI, but completely failed trying to get it working even locally Environment
Additional context
No info about whether anyone ever used CherryPy under jython. Well, at some point they probably did and it's useful to have a pythonic framework running on JVM, but I doubt that somebody does this nowadays.