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Fix Sensitive Data Exposure: Set `umask` to default value after use #2003

Open fazledyn-or opened 8 months ago

fazledyn-or commented 8 months ago

What kind of change does this PR introduce?

Other information:


While triaging your project, our bug fixing tool generated the following message(s)-

In file:, there is a method daemonize that grants permission to the others class which refers to all users except the owner and member of the file's group class. This may lead to undesired access to a confidential file. iCR replaced the loose permission with a stricter permission.


According to your codebase and comments, it seems that the os.umask(0) has to be called in order to daemonize a process. However, it's suggested that the umask value be set to default after the daemonizing task. Otherwise the umask value could propagate for the rest of the codebase and may introduce vulnerability.

Proof of Concept


Set the os.umask value to what it was before after daemonizing the process. For example -

Previously Found & Fixed

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Sponsorship and Support

This work is done by the security researchers from OpenRefactory and is supported by the Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF): Project Alpha-Omega. Alpha-Omega is a project partnering with open source software project maintainers to systematically find new, as-yet-undiscovered vulnerabilities in open source code - and get them fixed – to improve global software supply chain security.

The bug is found by running the Intelligent Code Repair (iCR) tool by OpenRefactory and then manually triaging the results.
