cheshirekow / cmake_format

Source code formatter for cmake listfiles.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add option to provide original file path for cases when IDE uses temporary file #324

Open andrewsmolko opened 11 months ago

andrewsmolko commented 11 months ago

QtCreator IDE uses temporary file for cmake-format processing, here is a sample command line from QtCreator logs:

/usr/local/bin/cmake-format --in-place /private/var/folders/bg/w1rssn8d4kn5bl2gfx845nvr0000gp/T/QtCreator-ukiZXr/qtc_beautifier_kGQmmUda.cmake

It seems that temporary file path breaks searching of .cmake-format config.

Would be great if a new option could be introduced in cmake-format to provide original file path. This original file path should be used for searching .cmake-format config.

clang-format has similar --assume-filename option.