cheshirekow / cmake_format

Source code formatter for cmake listfiles.
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cmake-lint: disable not working as expected? #332

Open berthin opened 9 months ago

berthin commented 9 months ago


The following cmake command

add_custom_target(list-all COMMAND echo cmake build target: ${_all_targets})

triggers the C0113 error as:

Missing COMMENT in statement which allows it

and I wanted to suppress that error by adding the "cmake-lint: disable" statement as

# cmake-lint: disable=C0113
add_custom_target(list-all COMMAND echo cmake build target: ${_all_targets})

but still I get the error when I run cmake-lint. How could that be wrong?

for ref:

$ cmake --version
cmake version 3.26.4

$ cmake-lint --version
stefanct commented 2 months ago

I haven't looked at the code but it works if the command has line breaks, e.g.:

# cmake-lint: disable=C0113
    COMMAND "echo cmake build target"

Another possible issue (that I am currently facing) is that multiple disables in one file don't seem work. This is somewhat documented but still...