chesslablab / php-chess

A chess library for PHP.
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Fix the protection evaluation #543

Closed programarivm closed 4 months ago

programarivm commented 4 months ago

chessboard Figure 1. r7/pp3p2/2P2nk1/P1Pp1p2/3Pp3/4NpPq/1R1Q1P2/6K1 w - -

screencapture-chesslablab-org-en-learn-fen-string-2024-05-25-16_57_59 Figure 2. Click on Study > Explain Position

Black has a slight material advantage. White is totally controlling the center. The black pieces are slightly better connected. Black has a slight space advantage. The white player is significantly pressuring more squares than its opponent. The black pieces are getting worryingly close to the adversary's king. White has a slight protection advantage. Black has a slight doubled pawn advantage. White has a slight advanced pawn advantage. Black has a slight isolated pawn advantage. White has a slight backward pawn advantage. Black has a slight outpost advantage. The pawn on c6 is unprotected. The pawn on b7 is unprotected. The pawn on b7 is unprotected. The b7-square is under threat of being attacked. The c6-square is under threat of being attacked. The pawn on c6 is doubled. c6, a5, c5, e4 and f3 are advanced pawns. c6 and f3 are threatening to promote. a5 is an isolated pawn. d4, d5 and f5 are backward pawns. b7, d7, d6, f4, h4, a6, c4, d3, f3, e2 and g2 are outpost squares. Overall, 5 heuristic evaluation features are favoring White while 7 are favoring Black.

The elaboration phrase is repeated twice: "The pawn on b7 is unprotected. The pawn on b7 is unprotected."

programarivm commented 4 months ago

chessboard Figure 1. 4r1k1/pp6/2p2Rp1/2P5/8/1KrRq1P1/PP2B3/8 w - -

screencapture-chesslablab-org-en-database-search-games-2024-05-25-17_12_58 Figure 2. Click on Study > Explain Position

Black has a decisive material advantage. Black has a moderate control of the center. Black has a moderate space advantage. The black player is pressuring a little bit more squares than its opponent. The black pieces are timidly approaching the other side's king. White has a decisive protection advantage. White has a slight advanced pawn advantage. Black has a moderate defense advantage. White has a moderate relative fork advantage. White has a bishop which is not too good because a few of its pawns are blocking it. The pawn on g6 is unprotected. The rook on c3 is unprotected. The pawn on c5 is unprotected. The rook on c3 is unprotected. The bishop on e2 is unprotected. The pawn on g3 is unprotected. The pawn on c5 is unprotected. The rook on c3 is unprotected. c5 is an advanced pawn. g3 and g6 are isolated pawns. If the bishop on e2 moved, these pieces may well be exposed to attack: The rook on d3, the rook on d3. Relative fork attack on Black's queen on e3. d6 and d5 are outpost squares. Overall, 3 heuristic evaluation features are favoring White while 7 are favoring Black.

The elaboration phrase is repeated three times: "The rook on c3 is unprotected."