chessmaster42 / curatorPresets

This is an addon for Arma 3 that provides script presets in Zeus (aka Curator) mode in the Modules screen.
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Additional Waypoint - Searching Buildings #22

Closed MiC17 closed 10 years ago

MiC17 commented 10 years ago

This is pretty self explanatory and you might be able to reuse what you have in the Garrison script and are doing for "Improve Waypoint handler - Optional building position selection".

Basically this waypoint type would have the AI unit walking from one building position to the next, effectively searching the building for enemies (you'll probably want to auomatically set the AI to combat mode to achieve a realistic way of moving; no running and staying crouched etc.). This'll make "defend location X" and "hide from so and so" feasable in missions, as so far AI just mindlessly pounds its head against the building (literally), when there's enemies inside.

A couple things that'd make it even handier:

1.) Seeing your garrison module, I'm going to assume that it's the way to do it anyways, but I'll mention it nonetheless. Search by radius: When the waypoint is selected you choose a radius and the unit will search the positions inside that radius. That way you can have them search anything from one building to an entire village (might need a hard limit performance-wise, if there's too many positions?).

2.) Thoroughness of the search. You could have another slider that sets the percentage of positions inside the radius the AI will choose at random to visit. It'd give Zeus a way to have AI do a quick and dirty sweep of a city (e.g. radius 300m, but only look at 20% of all positions). This gives players a chance to be lucky and not be discovered during a search.

3.) Fire Team tactics Unlike the two points above the following three are potentially a big time-sink in and off themselves, but they'd also be the cherry on the cake, so I'll line them out anyways. Some of these are extensive enough, we might want to split them off into different issues ... or discard them entirely

a) If the waypoint is given to a group (fireteam etc.) the units will divide up the building positions between themselves; so, if there are 40 building positions and there's 4 units in the fire team, each one of them will look at 10 by itself. The tricky thing with this is, that it would probably be smart to not randomly assign those waypoints but look at how they're spacially grouped together, so each unit may end up looking at all waypoints in one or two building and NOT one waypoint in every building in the entire village.

b) A vehicle given this order will obviously not go for building positions. Instead it would complete this waypoint type, if the vehicle checked all the roads inside the given radius.

c) If a member of a group is taken out during 3.a) the rest of the group has to react to that and search the last known position of that group member. Zeus can easily do that manually of course, so definitely no priority here.

chessmaster42 commented 10 years ago

Mostly complete in 04feb41ce2d469f93f3c5572d83480ebc9f18cdf

Will leave open until I finish the rest of the aspects of this feature

chessmaster42 commented 10 years ago

Final enhancements moved into new issue for 1.9: