chester4444 / esp-multical21

ESP8266/ESP32 decrypts wireless MBus frames from a Multical21 water meter
GNU General Public License v3.0
83 stars 33 forks source link

Confirmed it is working with Wemos S2 Mini #13

Open dkcsn opened 8 months ago

dkcsn commented 8 months ago

C1101 s2_mini_v1 0 0_4_16x9

Confirmed it is working with Wemos S2 Mini

[env:esp32] framework = arduino platform = espressif32 board = lolin_s2_mini board_build.mcu = esp32s2 monitor_speed = 115200 ; upload_protocol = espota ; upload_port = lib_deps = rweather/Crypto@^0.4.0 knolleary/PubSubClient@^2.8 ArduinoOTA robtillaart/CRC @ ^0.1.3

chester4444 commented 8 months ago

Cool , thanks for the feedback is it ok, if i place your drawing in the file?